
388 lines
14 KiB

* \file canusb.c
* \brief Lawicel CANUSB interface source file.
* \ingroup Lawicel_CanUsb
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <assert.h> /* for assertions */
#include <stdint.h> /* for standard integer types */
#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL declaration */
#include <stdbool.h> /* for boolean type */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for standard library */
#include <string.h> /* for string library */
#include "candriver.h" /* Generic CAN driver module */
#include "canusb.h" /* Lawicel CANUSB interface */
#include <windows.h> /* for Windows API */
#include "lawicel_can.h" /* for Lawicel CANUSB API */
* Function prototypes
/* CAN interface functions. */
static void CanUsbInit(tCanSettings const * settings);
static void CanUsbTerminate(void);
static bool CanUsbConnect(void);
static void CanUsbDisconnect(void);
static bool CanUsbTransmit(tCanMsg const * msg);
static bool CanUsbIsBusError(void);
static void CanUsbRegisterEvents(tCanEvents const * events);
/* CAN message reception thread. */
static DWORD WINAPI CanUsbReceptionThread(LPVOID pv);
* Local constant declarations
/** \brief CAN interface structure filled with Lawicel CANUSB specifics. */
static const tCanInterface canUsbInterface =
* Local data declarations
/** \brief The settings to use in this CAN interface. */
static tCanSettings canUsbSettings;
/** \brief List with callback functions that this driver should use. */
static tCanEvents * canUsbEventsList;
/** \brief Total number of event entries into the \ref canUsbEventsList list. */
static uint32_t canUsbEventsEntries;
/** \brief Handle for the event to terminate the reception thread. */
static HANDLE canUsbTerminateEvent;
/** \brief Handle for the CAN reception thread. */
static HANDLE canUsbRxThreadHandle;
** \brief Obtains a pointer to the CAN interface structure, so that it can be linked
** to the generic CAN driver module.
** \return Pointer to CAN interface structure.
tCanInterface const * CanUsbGetInterface(void)
return &canUsbInterface;
} /*** end of CanUsbGetInterface ***/
** \brief Initializes the CAN interface.
** \param settings Pointer to the CAN interface settings.
static void CanUsbInit(tCanSettings const * settings)
char * canDeviceName;
/* Initialize locals. */
canUsbEventsList = NULL;
canUsbEventsEntries = 0;
canUsbTerminateEvent = NULL;
canUsbRxThreadHandle = NULL;
/* Reset CAN interface settings. */
canUsbSettings.devicename = ""; = 0;
canUsbSettings.baudrate = CAN_BR500K;
canUsbSettings.code = 0x00000000u;
canUsbSettings.mask = 0x00000000u;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(settings != NULL);
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (settings != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Shallow copy the CAN interface settings for later usage. */
canUsbSettings = *settings;
/* The devicename is a pointer and it is not gauranteed that it stays valid so we need
* to deep copy this one. note the +1 for '\0' in malloc.
assert(settings->devicename != NULL);
if (settings->devicename != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
canDeviceName = malloc(strlen(settings->devicename) + 1);
assert(canDeviceName != NULL);
if (canDeviceName != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
strcpy(canDeviceName, settings->devicename);
canUsbSettings.devicename = canDeviceName;
/* ##Vg TODO Perform initialization of Lawicel CANUSB API. */
} /*** end of CanUsbInit ***/
** \brief Terminates the CAN interface.
static void CanUsbTerminate(void)
/* ##Vg TODO Perform termination of Lawicel CANUSB API. */
/* Release memory that was allocated for storing the device name. */
if (canUsbSettings.devicename != NULL)
free((char *)canUsbSettings.devicename);
/* Reset CAN interface settings. */
canUsbSettings.devicename = ""; = 0;
canUsbSettings.baudrate = CAN_BR500K;
canUsbSettings.code = 0x00000000u;
canUsbSettings.mask = 0x00000000u;
/* Release memory that was allocated for CAN events and reset the entry count. */
if ( (canUsbEventsList != NULL) && (canUsbEventsEntries != 0) )
canUsbEventsEntries = 0;
} /*** end of CanUsbTerminate ***/
** \brief Connects the CAN interface.
** \return True if connected, false otherwise.
static bool CanUsbConnect(void)
bool result = false;
bool baudrateSupported = true;
/* Note that the device name itself is not needed anymore at this point, it was only
* needed by the CAN driver to link the correct interface (this one). The channel is
* also don't care as the adapter only has one channel. Check settings.
/* Invalidate handles. */
canUsbTerminateEvent = NULL;
canUsbRxThreadHandle = NULL;
/* Only continue with valid settings. */
if (baudrateSupported)
/* Init result code to success and only negate it on detection of error. */
result = true;
/* ##Vg TODO Process and verify settings, configure acceptance filter, connect. */
result = false; /* Temporary. */
/* Create the terminate event handle used in the reception thread. */
if (result)
canUsbTerminateEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "");
if (canUsbTerminateEvent == NULL)
result = false;
/* Start the reception thread as the last step. */
if (result)
canUsbRxThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, CanUsbReceptionThread,
if (canUsbRxThreadHandle == NULL)
result = false;
/* Clean-up in case an error occurred. */
if (!result)
if (canUsbTerminateEvent != NULL)
/* Close the event handle. */
canUsbTerminateEvent = NULL;
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of CanUsbConnect ***/
** \brief Disconnects the CAN interface.
static void CanUsbDisconnect(void)
/* Stop the reception thread. */
if (canUsbRxThreadHandle != NULL)
/* Trigger event to request the reception thread to stop. */
/* Wait for the thread to signal termination. */
(void)WaitForSingleObject(canUsbRxThreadHandle, INFINITE);
/* Close the thread handle. */
canUsbRxThreadHandle = NULL;
/* Close the terminate event handle. */
if (canUsbTerminateEvent != NULL)
canUsbTerminateEvent = NULL;
/* ##Vg TODO Go off the bus and close the channel. */
} /*** end of CanUsbDisconnect ***/
** \brief Submits a message for transmission on the CAN bus.
** \param msg Pointer to CAN message structure.
** \return True if successful, false otherwise.
static bool CanUsbTransmit(tCanMsg const * msg)
bool result = false;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(msg != NULL);
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (msg != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* ##Vg TODO Transmit and trigger event(s). */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of CanUsbTransmit ***/
** \brief Checks if a bus off or bus heavy situation occurred.
** \return True if a bus error situation was detected, false otherwise.
static bool CanUsbIsBusError(void)
bool result = false;
/* ##Vg TODO Check and process status. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of CanUsbIsBusError ***/
** \brief Registers the event callback functions that should be called by the CAN
** interface.
** \param events Pointer to structure with event callback function pointers.
static void CanUsbRegisterEvents(tCanEvents const * events)
/* Check parameters. */
assert(events != NULL);
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (events != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Increase length of the list to make space for one more event entry. Note that
* it is okay to call realloc with a NULL pointer. In this case it simply behaves
* as malloc.
canUsbEventsList = realloc(canUsbEventsList,
(sizeof(tCanEvents) * (canUsbEventsEntries + 1)));
/* Assert reallocation. */
assert(canUsbEventsList != NULL);
/* Only continue if reallocation was successful. */
if (canUsbEventsList != NULL)
/* Increment events entry count. */
/* Store the events in the new entry. */
canUsbEventsList[canUsbEventsEntries - 1] = *events;
/* Reallocation failed. */
/* Reset events entry count. */
canUsbEventsEntries = 0;
} /*** end of CanUsbRegisterEvents ***/
** \brief CAN message reception thread.
** \param pv Pointer to thread parameters.
** \return Thread exit code.
static DWORD WINAPI CanUsbReceptionThread(LPVOID pv)
DWORD waitResult;
bool running = true;
/* Parameter not used. */
/* Enter thread's infinite loop. */
while (running)
waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(canUsbTerminateEvent, 10);
switch (waitResult)
/* Termination event. */
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: /*lint !e835 */
/* Stop thread. */
running = false;
/* Exit thread. */
return 0;
} /*** end of CanUsbReceptionThread ***/
/*********************************** end of canusb.c ***********************************/