#!/bin/bash F="configure-iphone" if test "$*" = "--help" -o "$*" = "-h"; then echo "$F [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "where:" echo " OPTIONS Other options that will be passed directly to" echo " ./aconfigure script. Run ./aconfigure --help" echo " for more info." echo "" echo "Environment variables:" echo " IPHONESDK Optionally specify which SDK to use. Value is the full " echo " path of the SDK. By default, the latest SDK installed" echo " will be used." echo " CC Optionally specify the path of the ARM cross compiler" echo " to use. By default, the compiler is deduced from the" echo " SDK." echo " ARCH Optional flags to specify target architecture, e.g." echo " ARCH=\"-arch armv7\". Default is arm64." echo " MIN_IOS Optional flags to specify minimum supported iOS" echo " versions, e.g. MIN_IOS=\"-miphoneos-version-min=10.0\". " echo " Default is 7.0." echo "" exit 0 fi # Set the main iPhone developer directory, if not set if test "x${DEVPATH}" = "x"; then DEVPATH=/Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer if test ! -d $DEVPATH; then DEVPATH=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer fi echo "$F: DEVPATH is not specified, using ${DEVPATH}" fi # Make sure $DEVPATH directory exist if test ! -d $DEVPATH; then echo "$F error: directory $DEVPATH does not exist. Please install iPhone development kit" exit 1 fi # Choose SDK version to use if test "$IPHONESDK" = ""; then # If IPHONESDK is not set, use the latest one for f in `ls $DEVPATH/SDKs/`; do echo $f | sed 's/\(.sdk\)//'; done | sort | tail -1 > tmpsdkname IPHONESDK=`cat tmpsdkname`.sdk rm -f tmpsdkname SDKPATH=${DEVPATH}/SDKs/${IPHONESDK} echo "$F: IPHONESDK is not specified, choosing ${IPHONESDK}" elif test -d ${IPHONESDK}; then # .. else if IPHONESDK is set and it points to a valid path, just use it SDKPATH=${IPHONESDK} else # .. else assume the SDK name is used. SDKPATH=${DEVPATH}/SDKs/${IPHONESDK} fi # Test the SDK directory if test ! -d ${SDKPATH}/usr/include; then echo "$F error: unable to find valid iPhone SDK in ${SDKPATH}" exit 1 fi # Default CFLAGS if it's not specified if test "$CFLAGS" = ""; then CFLAGS="-O2 -Wno-unused-label" fi # Default LDFLAGS if it's not specified if test "$LDFLAGS" = ""; then LDFLAGS="-O2" fi # Test the toolchain directory TCPATH="${DEVPATH}/../../../Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain" if test ! -d ${TCPATH}/usr/bin; then TCPATH="${DEVPATH}" fi # Determine which gcc for this SDK. Binaries should have the # full path as it's not normally in user's PATH if test "${CC}" = ""; then # Try to use clang if available ccpath="${TCPATH}/usr/bin/clang" # Next, try to use llvm-gcc gccpath="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/llvm-gcc" if test -e ${ccpath}; then export CC="${ccpath}" elif test -e ${gccpath}; then export CC="${gccpath}" else for archpath in `ls -d ${SDKPATH}/usr/lib/gcc/arm-apple-darwin*`; do archname=`basename ${archpath}` for gccver in `ls ${archpath}`; do gccpath="${DEVPATH}/usr/bin/${archname}-gcc-${gccver}" if test -e ${gccpath}; then export CC="${gccpath}" fi done done fi if test ! "${CC}" = ""; then echo "$F: CC is not specified, choosing ${CC}" fi fi if test "${CC}" = ""; then echo "$F error: unable to find gcc for ${IPHONESDK}. If you think you have the right gcc, set the full path in CC environment variable." exit 1 fi if test "${ARCH}" = ""; then export ARCH="-arch arm64" echo "$F: ARCH is not specified, choosing ${ARCH}" fi export ARCH_VAL=`echo ${ARCH} | sed 's/\-arch //' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ` if test "${ARCH_VAL}" = "arm64e"; then export ARCH_VAL="arm64" fi if test "${MIN_IOS}" = ""; then MIN_IOS_VER="7.0" echo "$F: MIN_IOS is not specified, choosing ${MIN_IOS_VER}" MIN_IOS="-miphoneos-version-min=${MIN_IOS_VER}" fi CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${MIN_IOS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${MIN_IOS}" # Set CXX if not set if test "${CXX}" = ""; then export CXX=`echo ${CC} | sed 's/clang/clang++/'` echo "$F: CXX is not specified, using ${CXX}" fi # Other settings to feed to configure script. #ARCH="-arch armv6" export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DPJ_SDK_NAME=\"\\\"`basename $SDKPATH`\\\"\" ${ARCH} -isysroot ${SDKPATH}" export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${ARCH} -isysroot ${SDKPATH} -framework AudioToolbox -framework Foundation" export AR="${TCPATH}/usr/bin/libtool -static -o" export AR_FLAGS=" " export RANLIB="echo ranlib" # Use gcc -E as preprocessor instead of cpp, since cpp will find the # header files in standard /usr/include instead of in isysroot export CPP="${CC} ${ARCH} -E -isysroot ${SDKPATH}" # Print settings if test "1" = "1"; then echo "$F: calling ./aconfigure with env vars:" echo " MIN_IOS = ${MIN_IOS}" echo " CC = ${CC}" echo " CXX = ${CXX}" echo " SDKPATH = ${SDKPATH}" echo " CFLAGS = ${CFLAGS}" echo " LDFLAGS = ${LDFLAGS}" echo " AR = ${AR}" echo " RANLIB = ${RANLIB}" echo " ARCH = ${ARCH_VAL}" fi # And finally invoke the configure script itself ./aconfigure --host=${ARCH_VAL}-apple-darwin_ios --disable-sdl $* if test "$?" = "0"; then echo "Done configuring for `basename $SDKPATH`" echo "" fi