#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ A collection of useful routines to make this tool work (C) 2017 by Sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH All Rights Reserved Author: Philipp Maier This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ # Convert list to an printable ascii hex string def hexdump(array, multilne = False, width = 30, prefix = " "): if array == None: return "(no data)" if multilne: result = "" for i in range(0, len(array), width): buf = array[i:i + width] result += prefix result += ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in buf) result += "\n" return result.rstrip() else: return ''.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in array) # Convert ascii string with decimal numbers to numeric ascii-code list def ascii_to_list(string): rc = [] for c in string: rc.append(ord(c)) return rc # Convert an ascii hex string to numeric list def asciihex_to_list(string): string = string.translate(str.maketrans('','',':')) try: return list(map(ord,''.join(['%c' % b for b in bytearray.fromhex(string)]))) except: print("Warning: Invalid hex string -- ignored!") return [] # Pad an ascihex string with a nibble in case it is "incomplete" def pad_asciihex(string, front=False, padding='f'): if front and len(string) % 2 != 0: return padding + string elif len(string) % 2 != 0: return string + padding return string # Swap nibbles of each byte in an array def swap_nibbles(array): rc = [] for a in array: rc.append(((a & 0xf0) >> 4) | ((a & 0x0f) << 4)) return rc # Convert from list of bytes to big-endian integer def list_to_int(arr): return int(hexdump(arr), 16) # Encode an integer number into list of bytes (e.g. 1025 becomes [4, 1]) def int_to_list(inp, num_bytes): out = [] for i in range(0, num_bytes): shift_bits = ((num_bytes-1-i) * 8) out.append((inp >> shift_bits) & 0xFF) return out # Lookup a string in a given table by its ID def id_to_str(table, nr): dict_by_nr = dict(table) return dict_by_nr.get(nr) or '(invalid)' # Convert a string back to its ID by looking it up in a given table def str_to_id(table, string, safe_default = None): dict_by_name = dict([(name.upper(), nr) for nr, name in table]) id = dict_by_name.get(string.upper()) if id is None: if safe_default != None: return safe_default else: raise ValueError('identifier (\"%s\") not in table %s' % (string, str(table))) return id