
223 lines
8.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Copyright (C) 2007-TODAY Tiny ERP Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# $Id$
# Developed by Tiny (http://openerp.com) and Axelor (http://axelor.com).
# The OpenERP web client is distributed under the "OpenERP Public License".
# It's based on Mozilla Public License Version (MPL) 1.1 with following
# restrictions:
# - All names, links and logos of Tiny, OpenERP and Axelor must be
# kept as in original distribution without any changes in all software
# screens, especially in start-up page and the software header, even if
# the application source code has been changed or updated or code has been
# added.
# - All distributions of the software must keep source code with OEPL.
# - All integrations to any other software must keep source code with OEPL.
# If you need commercial licence to remove this kind of restriction please
# contact us.
# You can see the MPL licence at: http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
import re
import cherrypy
import wikimarkup
from openobject import rpc
from openobject.widgets import CSSLink
from openerp.widgets import register_widget
from openerp.widgets.form import Text
_image = re.compile(r'img:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_rss = re.compile(r'rss:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_attach = re.compile(r'attach:(.*)\.(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_internalLinks = re.compile(r'\[\[.*\]\]', re.UNICODE)
_edit = re.compile(r'edit:(.*)\|(.*)', re.UNICODE)
_view = re.compile(r'view:(.*)\|(.*)', re.UNICODE)
class WikiParser(wikimarkup.Parser):
def parse(self, text, id):
text = text.replace(' ', 'n-b-s-p')
text = text.replace('&', 'n-a-m-p')
text = text.replace('&','&')
text = text.replace('n-b-s-p', ' ')
text = text.replace('n-a-m-p', '&')
text = text.replace('<code>', '<pre>')
text = text.replace('</code>', '</pre>')
text = wikimarkup.to_unicode(text)
text = self.strip(text)
text = super(WikiParser, self).parse(text)
text = self.addImage(text, id)
text = self.attachDoc(text, id)
text = self.recordLink(text)
text = self.viewRecordLink(text)
text = self.addInternalLinks(text)
#TODO : already implemented but we will implement it later after releasing the 5.0
#text = self.addRss(text, id)
return text
def viewRecordLink(self, text):
def record(path):
record = path.group().replace('view:','').split("|")
model = record[0]
text = record[1].replace('\r','').strip()
label = "View Record"
if len(record) > 2:
label = record[2]
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
ids = proxy.name_search(text, [], 'ilike', {})
if len(ids):
id = ids[0][0]
id = int(text)
id = 0
return "[[/openerp/form/view?model=%s&amp;id=%d | %s]]" % (model, id, label)
bits = _view.sub(record, text)
return bits
def addRss(self, text, id):
def addrss(path):
rssurl = path.group().replace('rss:','')
import rss.feedparser as feedparser
data = feedparser.parse(rssurl)
values = "<h2>%s</h2><br/>" % (data.feed.title)
values += "%s<br/>" % (data.channel.description)
for entry in data['entries']:
values += "<h3><a href='%s'> %s </a></h3><br/>" % (entry.link, entry.title)
values += "%s <br/>" % (entry.summary)
return values
bits = _rss.sub(addrss, text)
return bits
def attachDoc(self, text, id):
def document(path):
file = path.group().replace('attach:','')
if file.startswith('http') or file.startswith('ftp'):
return "<a href='%s'>Download File</a>" % (file)
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.attachment')
ids = proxy.search([('datas_fname','=',file.strip()), ('res_model','=','wiki.wiki'), ('res_id','=',id)])
if len(ids) > 0:
return "<a href='/widget_wiki/wiki/getfile?file=%s&amp;id=%d'>%s</a>" % (file, id, file)
return """<a onclick="openobject.tools.openWindow(openobject.http.getURL('/openerp/attachment', {model: 'wiki.wiki', id: %d}),
{name : 'Wiki Attachments'})">Attach : %s </a>""" % (id, file)
bits = _attach.sub(document, text)
return bits
def addImage(self, text, id):
def image(path):
file = path.group().replace('img:','')
if file.startswith('http') or file.startswith('ftp'):
return "<img src='%s'/>" % (file)
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.attachment')
ids = proxy.search([('datas_fname','=',file.strip()), ('res_model','=','wiki.wiki'), ('res_id','=',id)])
if len(ids) > 0:
return "<img src='/widget_wiki/wiki/getImage?file=%s&amp;id=%d'/>" % (file, id)
return """<a onclick="openobject.tools.openWindow(openobject.http.getURL('/openerp/attachment', {model: 'wiki.wiki', id: %d}),
{name : 'Wiki Attachments'})">Attach : %s </a>""" % (id, file)
#"[[/attachment/?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%d | Attach:%s]]" % (id, file)
bits = _image.sub(image, text)
return bits
def recordLink(self, text):
def record(path):
record = path.group().replace('edit:','').split("|")
model = record[0]
text = record[1].replace('\r','').strip()
label = "Edit Record"
if len(record) > 2:
label = record[2]
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model)
ids = proxy.name_search(text, [], '=', {})
if len(ids):
id = ids[0][0]
id = int(text)
id = 0
return "[[/openerp/form/edit?model=%s&amp;id=%d | %s]]" % (model, id, label)
bits = _edit.sub(record, text)
return bits
def addInternalLinks(self, text):
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('wiki.wiki')
def link(path):
link = path.group().replace('[','').replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(']','').split("|")
name_to_search = link[0].strip()
mids = proxy.search([('name','ilike', name_to_search)])
link_str = ""
if mids:
if len(link) == 2:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/view?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>" % (mids[0], link[1])
elif len(link) == 1:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/view?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>" % (mids[0], link[0])
if len(link) == 2:
link_str = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (link[0], link[1])
elif len(link) == 1:
link_str = "<a href='/openerp/form/edit?model=wiki.wiki&amp;id=False'>%s</a>" % (link[0])
return link_str
bits = _internalLinks.sub(link, text)
return bits
def wiki2html(text, showToc, id):
p = WikiParser(show_toc=showToc)
return p.parse(text, id)
class WikiWidget(Text):
template = "/wiki/widgets/templates/wiki.mako"
params = ["data"]
css = [CSSLink("wiki", "css/wiki.css")]
data = None
def set_value(self, value):
super(WikiWidget, self).set_value(value)
if value:
toc = True
id = False
if hasattr(cherrypy.request, 'terp_record'):
params = cherrypy.request.terp_params
if params._terp_model == 'wiki.wiki':
proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('wiki.wiki')
toc = proxy.read([params.id], ['toc'])[0]['toc']
id = params.id
text = value+'\n\n'
html = wiki2html(text, toc, id)
self.data = html
register_widget(WikiWidget, ["text_wiki"])