
559 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import fields, osv
import sugar
from tools.translate import _
from import_base.import_framework import *
from import_base.mapper import *
import base64
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
#copy old import here
class related_ref(dbmapper):
def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type
def __call__(self, external_val):
if external_val.get('parent_type') in self.type and external_val.get('parent_id'):
return self.parent.xml_id_exist(external_val['parent_type'], external_val['parent_id'])
return ''
class sugar_import(import_framework):
TABLE_CONTACT = 'Contacts'
TABLE_ACCOUNT = 'Accounts'
TABLE_USER = 'Users'
TABLE_EMPLOYEE = 'Employees'
TABLE_RESSOURCE = "resource"
TABLE_OPPORTUNITY = 'Opportunities'
TABLE_LEAD = 'Leads'
TABLE_STAGE = 'crm_stage'
TABLE_CALL = 'Calls'
TABLE_MEETING = 'Meetings'
TABLE_TASK = 'Tasks'
TABLE_CASE = 'Cases'
def initialize(self):
PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(self.context.get('username',''), self.context.get('password',''), self.context.get('url',''))
self.context['port'] = PortType
self.context['session_id'] = sessionid
def get_data(self, table):
return sugar.search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), table)
Common import method
def get_category(self, val, model, name):
fields = ['name', 'object_id']
data = [name, model]
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'crm.case.categ', 'crm_categ', name, [('object_id.model','=',model), ('name', 'ilike', name)])
def get_job_title(self, dict, salutation):
fields = ['shortcut', 'name', 'domain']
data = [salutation, salutation, 'Contact']
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.partner.title', 'contact_title', salutation, [('shortcut', '=', salutation)])
def get_campaign_id(self, dict, val):
fields = ['name']
data = [val]
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'crm.case.resource.type', 'crm_campaign', val)
def get_all_states(self, external_val, country_id):
"""Get states or create new state unless country_id is False"""
state_code = external_val[0:3] #take the tree first char
fields = ['country_id/id', 'name', 'code']
data = [country_id, external_val, state_code]
if country_id:
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.country.state', 'country_state', external_val)
return False
def get_all_countries(self, val):
"""Get Country, if no country match do not create anything, to avoid duplicate country code"""
return self.mapped_id_if_exist('res.country', [('name', 'ilike', val)], 'country', val)
def get_float_time(self, dict, hour, min):
min = int(min) * 100 / 60
return "%s.%i" % (hour, min)
import meeting
meeting_state = {
'Planned' : 'draft',
'Held': 'open',
'Not Held': 'draft',
def get_alarm_id(self, dict_val, val):
alarm_dict = {
'60': '1 minute before',
'300': '5 minutes before',
'600': '10 minutes before',
'900': '15 minutes before',
'1800':'30 minutes before',
'3600': '1 hour before',
return self.mapped_id_if_exist('res.alarm', [('name', 'like', alarm_dict.get(val))], 'alarm', val)
#TODO attendees
def get_meeting_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'crm.meeting',
'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_CONTACT, self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY, self.TABLE_LEAD],
'map' : {
'name': 'name',
'date': 'date_start',
'duration': call(self.get_float_time, value('duration_hours'), value('duration_minutes')),
'location': 'location',
'alarm_id/id': call(self.get_alarm_id, value('reminder_time')),
'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
'partner_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT),
'partner_address_id/id': related_ref(self.TABLE_CONTACT),
'state': map_val('status', self.meeting_state)
import Opportunity
def get_opportunity_status(self, sugar_val):
fields = ['name', 'type']
name = 'Opportunity_' + sugar_val['sales_stage']
data = [sugar_val['sales_stage'], 'Opportunity']
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'crm.case.stage', self.TABLE_STAGE, name, [('type', '=', 'opportunity'), ('name', 'ilike', sugar_val['sales_stage'])])
def import_opportunity_contact(self, val):
sugar_opportunities_contact = set(sugar.relation_search(self.context.get('port'), self.context.get('session_id'), 'Opportunities', module_id=val.get('id'), related_module='Contacts', query=None, deleted=None))
partner_contact_id = False
partner_contact_email = False
partner_address_obj = self.obj.pool.get('res.partner.address')
partner_xml_id = self.name_exist(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, val['account_name'], 'res.partner')
for contact in sugar_opportunities_contact:
address_id = self.get_mapped_id(self.TABLE_CONTACT, contact)
if address_id:
address = partner_address_obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, address_id)
partner_name = address.partner_id and address.partner_id.name or False
if not partner_name: #link with partner id
fields = ['partner_id/id']
data = [partner_xml_id]
self.import_object(fields, data, 'res.partner.address', self.TABLE_CONTACT, contact, self.DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN)
if not partner_name or partner_name == val.get('account_name'):
partner_contact_id = self.xml_id_exist(self.TABLE_CONTACT, contact)
partner_contact_email = address.email
return partner_contact_id, partner_contact_email
def import_opp(self, val):
partner_contact_name, partner_contact_email = self.import_opportunity_contact(val)
val['partner_address_id/id'] = partner_contact_name
val['email_from'] = partner_contact_email
return val
def get_opp_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'crm.lead',
'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER, self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, self.TABLE_CONTACT],
'hook' : self.import_opp,
'map' : {
'name': 'name',
'probability': 'probability',
'partner_id/id': refbyname(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT, 'account_name', 'res.partner'),
'title_action': 'next_step',
'partner_address_id/id': 'partner_address_id/id',
'planned_revenue': 'amount',
'date_deadline': 'date_closed',
'user_id/id' : ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
'stage_id/id' : self.get_opportunity_status,
'type' : const('opportunity'),
'categ_id/id': call(self.get_category, 'crm.lead', value('opportunity_type')),
'email_from': 'email_from',
'state' : const('open'), #TODO
import lead
def get_lead_status(self, sugar_val):
fields = ['name', 'type']
name = 'lead_' + sugar_val.get('status', '')
data = [sugar_val.get('status', ''), 'lead']
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'crm.case.stage', self.TABLE_STAGE, name, [('type', '=', 'lead'), ('name', 'ilike', sugar_val.get('status', ''))])
lead_state = {
'New' : 'draft',
'In Progress': 'open',
'Recycled': 'cancel',
'Dead': 'done',
'Converted': 'done',
def import_lead(self, val):
if val.get('opportunity_id'): #if lead is converted into opp, don't import as lead
return False
if val.get('primary_address_country'):
country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get('primary_address_country'))
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = self.get_all_states(val.get('primary_address_state'), country_id)
return val
def get_lead_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'crm.lead',
'hook' : self.import_lead,
'map' : {
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'contact_name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'description': ppconcat('description', 'refered_by', 'lead_source', 'lead_source_description', 'website', 'email2', 'status_description', 'lead_source_description', 'do_not_call'),
'partner_name': 'account_name',
'email_from': 'email1',
'phone': 'phone_work',
'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
'title/id': call(self.get_job_title, value('salutation')),
'street': 'primary_address_street',
'street2': 'alt_address_street',
'zip': 'primary_address_postalcode',
'user_id/id' : ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'assigned_user_id'),
'stage_id/id' : self.get_lead_status,
'type' : const('lead'),
'state': map_val('status', self.lead_state) ,
'fax': 'phone_fax',
'referred': 'refered_by',
'optout': 'do_not_call',
'type_id/id': call(self.get_campaign_id, value('lead_source')),
'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
'state_id/id': 'state_id/id'
import contact
def get_email(self, val):
return val.get('email1') + ','+ val.get('email2')
def import_contact(self, val):
if val.get('primary_address_country'):
country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get('primary_address_country'))
state = self.get_all_states(val.get('primary_address_state'), country_id)
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = state
return val
def get_contact_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'res.partner.address',
'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_ACCOUNT],
'hook' : self.import_contact,
'map' : {
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'partner_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_ACCOUNT,'account_id'),
'phone': 'phone_work',
'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
'fax': 'phone_fax',
'function': 'title',
'street': 'primary_address_street',
'zip': 'primary_address_postalcode',
'city': 'primary_address_city',
'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
'state_id/id': 'state_id/id',
'email': self.get_email,
'type': const('contact')
import Account
def get_address_type(self, val, type):
if type == 'invoice':
type_address = 'billing'
type_address = 'shipping'
map_partner_address = {
'name': 'name',
'phone': 'phone_office',
'mobile': 'phone_mobile',
'fax': 'phone_fax',
'type': 'type',
'street': type_address + '_address_street',
'zip': type_address +'_address_postalcode',
'city': type_address +'_address_city',
'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
'type': 'type',
if val.get(type_address +'_address_country'):
country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get(type_address +'_address_country'))
state = self.get_all_states(val.get(type_address +'_address_state'), country_id)
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = state
val['type'] = type
val['id_new'] = val['id'] + '_address_' + type
return self.import_object_mapping(map_partner_address, val, 'res.partner.address', self.TABLE_CONTACT, val['id_new'], self.DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN)
def get_partner_address(self, val):
type_dict = {'billing_address_street' : 'invoice', 'shipping_address_street' : 'delivery'}
for key, type_value in type_dict.items():
if val.get(key):
id = self.get_address_type(val, type_value)
return ','.join(address_id)
def get_partner_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'res.partner',
'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER],
'map' : {
'name': 'name',
'website': 'website',
'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER,'assigned_user_id'),
'ref': 'sic_code',
'comment': ppconcat('description', 'employees', 'ownership', 'annual_revenue', 'rating', 'industry', 'ticker_symbol'),
'customer': const('1'),
'supplier': const('0'),
'parent_id/id_parent' : 'parent_id',
'address/id' : self.get_partner_address,
import Employee
def get_ressource(self, val):
map_resource = {
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
return self.import_object_mapping(map_resource, val, 'resource.resource', self.TABLE_RESSOURCE, val['id'], self.DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN)
def get_job_id(self, val):
fields = ['name']
data = [val.get('title')]
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'hr.job', 'hr_job', val.get('title'))
def get_user_address(self, val):
map_user_address = {
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'city': 'address_city',
'country_id/id': 'country_id/id',
'state_id/id': 'state_id/id',
'street': 'address_street',
'zip': 'address_postalcode',
'fax': 'fax',
if val.get('address_country'):
country_id = self.get_all_countries(val.get('address_country'))
state_id = self.get_all_states(val.get('address_state'), country_id)
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = state_id
return self.import_object_mapping(map_user_address, val, 'res.partner.address', self.TABLE_CONTACT, val['id'], self.DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN)
def get_employee_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'hr.employee',
'dependencies' : [self.TABLE_USER],
'map' : {
'resource_id/id': self.get_ressource,
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'work_phone': 'phone_work',
'mobile_phone': 'phone_mobile',
'user_id/id': ref(self.TABLE_USER, 'id'),
'address_home_id/id': self.get_user_address,
'notes': 'description',
'job_id/id': self.get_job_id,
import user
def import_user(self, val):
user_obj = self.obj.pool.get('res.users')
user_ids = user_obj.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('login', '=', val.get('user_name'))])
if user_ids:
val['.id'] = str(user_ids[0])
val['password'] = 'sugarcrm' #default password for all user #TODO needed in documentation
val['context_lang'] = self.context.get('lang','en_US')
return val
def get_users_department(self, val):
dep = val.get('department')
fields = ['name']
data = [dep]
if not dep:
return False
return self.import_object(fields, data, 'hr.department', 'hr_department_user', dep)
def get_user_mapping(self):
return {
'model' : 'res.users',
'hook' : self.import_user,
'map' : {
'name': concat('first_name', 'last_name'),
'login': 'user_name',
'context_lang' : 'context_lang',
'password' : 'password',
'.id' : '.id',
'context_department_id/id': self.get_users_department,
def get_mapping(self):
return {
self.TABLE_USER : self.get_user_mapping(),
self.TABLE_EMPLOYEE : self.get_employee_mapping(),
self.TABLE_ACCOUNT : self.get_partner_mapping(),
self.TABLE_CONTACT : self.get_contact_mapping(),
self.TABLE_LEAD : self.get_lead_mapping(),
self.TABLE_OPPORTUNITY : self.get_opp_mapping(),
self.TABLE_MEETING : self.get_meeting_mapping(),
class import_sugarcrm(osv.osv):
"""Import SugarCRM DATA"""
_name = "import.sugarcrm"
_description = __doc__
_columns = {
'opportunity': fields.boolean('Leads and Opportunities', help="If Opportunities are checked, SugarCRM opportunities data imported in OpenERP crm-Opportunity form"),
'user': fields.boolean('Users', help="If Users are checked, SugarCRM Users data imported in OpenERP Users form"),
'contact': fields.boolean('Contacts', help="If Contacts are checked, SugarCRM Contacts data imported in OpenERP partner address form"),
'account': fields.boolean('Accounts', help="If Accounts are checked, SugarCRM Accounts data imported in OpenERP partners form"),
'employee': fields.boolean('Employee', help="If Employees is checked, SugarCRM Employees data imported in OpenERP employees form"),
'meeting': fields.boolean('Meetings', help="If Meetings is checked, SugarCRM Meetings data imported in OpenERP meetings form"),
'call': fields.boolean('Calls', help="If Calls is checked, SugarCRM Calls data imported in OpenERP phonecalls form"),
'claim': fields.boolean('Claims', help="If Claims is checked, SugarCRM Claims data imported in OpenERP Claims form"),
'email': fields.boolean('Emails', help="If Emails is checked, SugarCRM Emails data imported in OpenERP Emails form"),
'project': fields.boolean('Projects', help="If Projects is checked, SugarCRM Projects data imported in OpenERP Projects form"),
'project_task': fields.boolean('Project Tasks', help="If Project Tasks is checked, SugarCRM Project Tasks data imported in OpenERP Project Tasks form"),
'task': fields.boolean('Tasks', help="If Tasks is checked, SugarCRM Tasks data imported in OpenERP Meetings form"),
'bug': fields.boolean('Bugs', help="If Bugs is checked, SugarCRM Bugs data imported in OpenERP Project Issues form"),
'attachment': fields.boolean('Attachments', help="If Attachments is checked, SugarCRM Notes data imported in OpenERP's Related module's History with attachment"),
'document': fields.boolean('Documents', help="If Documents is checked, SugarCRM Documents data imported in OpenERP Document Form"),
'username': fields.char('User Name', size=64),
'password': fields.char('Password', size=24),
_defaults = {#to be set to true, but easier for debugging
'opportunity': False,
'user' : False,
'contact' : False,
'account' : False,
'employee' : False,
'meeting' : False,
'task' : False,
'call' : False,
'claim' : False,
'email' : False,
'project' : False,
'project_task': False,
'bug': False,
'document': False
def get_key(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Select Key as For which Module data we want import data."""
if not context:
context = {}
key_list = []
for current in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
if current.opportunity:
if current.user:
if current.contact:
if current.account:
if current.employee:
if current.meeting:
if current.task:
if current.call:
if current.claim:
if current.email:
if current.project:
if current.project_task:
key_list.append('Project Tasks')
if current.bug:
if current.attachment:
if current.document:
return key_list
def import_all(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# """Import all sugarcrm data into openerp module"""
keys = self.get_key(cr, uid, ids, context)
imp = sugar_import(self, cr, uid, "sugarcrm", "import_sugarcrm", context)
obj_model = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
model_data_ids = obj_model.search(cr,uid,[('model','=','ir.ui.view'),('name','=','import.message.form')])
resource_id = obj_model.read(cr, uid, model_data_ids, fields=['res_id'])
return {
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'import.message',
'views': [(resource_id,'form')],
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'target': 'new',