
296 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import fields,osv
from osv import orm
from tools.translate import _
def _get_answers(cr, uid, ids):
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of crm profilings IDs """
query = """
select distinct(answer)
from profile_question_yes_rel
where profile IN %s"""
cr.execute(query, (tuple(ids),))
ans_yes = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
query = """
select distinct(answer)
from profile_question_no_rel
where profile IN %s"""
cr.execute(query, (tuple(ids),))
ans_no = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
return [ans_yes, ans_no]
def _get_parents(cr, uid, ids):
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of crm profilings IDs
@return: Get parents's Id """
ids_to_check = ids
select distinct(parent_id)
from crm_segmentation
where parent_id is not null
and id IN %s""",(tuple(ids),))
parent_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
trigger = False
for x in parent_ids:
if x not in ids_to_check:
trigger = True
if trigger:
ids_to_check = _get_parents(cr, uid, ids_to_check)
return ids_to_check
def test_prof(cr, uid, seg_id, pid, answers_ids=None):
""" return True if the partner pid fetch the segmentation rule seg_id
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param seg_id: Segmentaion's ID
@param pid: partner's ID
@param answers_ids: Answers's IDs
ids_to_check = _get_parents(cr, uid, [seg_id])
[yes_answers, no_answers] = _get_answers(cr, uid, ids_to_check)
temp = True
for y_ans in yes_answers:
if y_ans not in answers_ids:
temp = False
if temp:
for ans in answers_ids:
if ans in no_answers:
temp = False
if temp:
return True
return False
def _recompute_categ(self, cr, uid, pid, answers_ids):
""" Recompute category
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param pid: partner's ID
@param answers_ids: Answers's IDs
ok = []
select r.category_id
from res_partner_res_partner_category_rel r left join crm_segmentation s on (r.category_id = s.categ_id)
where r.partner_id = %s and (s.exclusif = false or s.exclusif is null)
''', (pid,))
for x in cr.fetchall():
query = '''
select id, categ_id
from crm_segmentation
where profiling_active = true'''
if ok != []:
query = query +''' and categ_id not in(%s)'''% ','.join([str(i) for i in ok ])
query = query + ''' order by id '''
segm_cat_ids = cr.fetchall()
for (segm_id, cat_id) in segm_cat_ids:
if test_prof(cr, uid, segm_id, pid, answers_ids):
return ok
class question(osv.osv):
""" Question """
_description= "Question"
'name': fields.char("Question",size=128, required=True),
'answers_ids': fields.one2many("crm_profiling.answer","question_id","Avalaible Answers",),
class questionnaire(osv.osv):
""" Questionnaire """
_description= "Questionnaire"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char("Questionnaire",size=128, required=True),
'description':fields.text("Description", required=True),
'questions_ids': fields.many2many('crm_profiling.question','profile_questionnaire_quest_rel',\
'questionnaire', 'question', "Questions"),
class answer(osv.osv):
"name": fields.char("Answer",size=128, required=True),
"question_id": fields.many2one('crm_profiling.question',"Question"),
class partner(osv.osv):
"answers_ids": fields.many2many("crm_profiling.answer","partner_question_rel",\
def _questionnaire_compute(self, cr, uid, answers, context=None):
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param data: Get Data
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values """
partner_id = context.get('active_id')
query = "select answer from partner_question_rel where partner=%s"
cr.execute(query, (partner_id,))
for x in cr.fetchall():
self.write(cr, uid, [partner_id], {'answers_ids': [[6, 0, answers]]}, context=context)
return {}
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of crm profilings IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values """
if 'answers_ids' in vals:
vals['category_id']=[[6, 0, _recompute_categ(self, cr, uid, ids[0], vals['answers_ids'][0][2])]]
return super(partner, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
class crm_segmentation(osv.osv):
""" CRM Segmentation """
"answer_yes": fields.many2many("crm_profiling.answer","profile_question_yes_rel",\
"profile","answer","Included Answers"),
"answer_no": fields.many2many("crm_profiling.answer","profile_question_no_rel",\
"profile","answer","Excluded Answers"),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('crm.segmentation', 'Parent Profile'),
'child_ids': fields.one2many('crm.segmentation', 'parent_id', 'Child Profiles'),
'profiling_active': fields.boolean('Use The Profiling Rules', help='Check\
this box if you want to use this tab as part of the \
segmentation rule. If not checked, the criteria beneath will be ignored')
_constraints = [
(osv.osv._check_recursion, 'Error ! You cannot create recursive profiles.', ['parent_id'])
def process_continue(self, cr, uid, ids, start=False):
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of crm segmentations IDs """
partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
categs = self.read(cr,uid,ids,['categ_id','exclusif','partner_id', \
'sales_purchase_active', 'profiling_active'])
for categ in categs:
if start:
if categ['exclusif']:
cr.execute('delete from res_partner_res_partner_category_rel where \
category_id=%s', (categ['categ_id'][0],))
id = categ['id']
cr.execute('select id from res_partner order by id ')
partners = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
if categ['sales_purchase_active']:
cr.execute('select id from crm_segmentation_line where segmentation_id=%s', (id,))
line_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
for pid in partners:
if (not self.pool.get('crm.segmentation.line').test(cr, uid, line_ids, pid)):
for pid in to_remove_list:
if categ['profiling_active']:
to_remove_list = []
for pid in partners:
cr.execute('select distinct(answer) from partner_question_rel where partner=%s',(pid,))
answers_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
if (not test_prof(cr, uid, id, pid, answers_ids)):
for pid in to_remove_list:
for partner in partner_obj.browse(cr, uid, partners):
category_ids = [categ_id.id for categ_id in partner.category_id]
if categ['categ_id'][0] not in category_ids:
cr.execute('insert into res_partner_res_partner_category_rel (category_id,partner_id) values (%s,%s)', (categ['categ_id'][0],partner.id))
self.write(cr, uid, [id], {'state':'not running', 'partner_id':0})
return True
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