[FIX] dependencies handling in modules listing of web client

* Correctly fetch dependencies from server
* Switch topological sort to a more formal algorithm (and test it)

lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/947161 fixed

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20120306142010-zflycbrj4aq41mv3
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2012-03-06 15:20:10 +01:00
parent b4f08f9e7e
commit 532e60a007
2 changed files with 95 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -435,6 +435,50 @@ class Database(openerpweb.Controller):
return {'error': e.faultCode, 'title': 'Change Password'}
return {'error': 'Error, password not changed !', 'title': 'Change Password'}
def topological_sort(modules):
""" Return a list of module names sorted so that their dependencies of the
modules are listed before the module itself
modules is a dict of {module_name: dependencies}
:param modules: modules to sort
:type modules: dict
:returns: list(str)
dependencies = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(modules.itervalues()))
# incoming edge: dependency on other module (if a depends on b, a has an
# incoming edge from b, aka there's an edge from b to a)
# outgoing edge: other module depending on this one
# [Tarjan 1976], http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting#Algorithms
#L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted nodes
L = []
#S ← Set of all nodes with no outgoing edges (modules on which no other
# module depends)
S = set(module for module in modules if module not in dependencies)
visited = set()
#function visit(node n)
def visit(n):
#if n has not been visited yet then
if n not in visited:
#mark n as visited
#change: n not web module, can not be resolved, ignore
if n not in modules: return
#for each node m with an edge from m to n do (dependencies of n)
for m in modules[n]:
#add n to L
#for each node n in S do
for n in S:
return L
class Session(openerpweb.Controller):
_cp_path = "/web/session"
@ -502,35 +546,32 @@ class Session(openerpweb.Controller):
def modules(self, req):
# Compute available candidates module
loadable = openerpweb.addons_manifest
loaded = req.config.server_wide_modules
loaded = set(req.config.server_wide_modules)
candidates = [mod for mod in loadable if mod not in loaded]
# already installed modules have no dependencies
modules = dict.fromkeys(loaded, [])
# Compute active true modules that might be on the web side only
modules = dict((name, openerpweb.addons_manifest[name].get('depends', []))
modules.update((name, openerpweb.addons_manifest[name].get('depends', []))
for name in candidates
if openerpweb.addons_manifest[name].get('active'))
# Retrieve database installed modules
Modules = req.session.model('ir.module.module')
modules.update((module['name'], module.get('depends', []))
for module in Modules.search_read(
[('state','=','installed'), ('name','in', candidates)],
['name', 'depends']))
['name', 'dependencies_id']):
deps = module.get('dependencies_id')
if deps:
dependencies = map(
req.session.model('ir.module.module.dependency').read(deps, ['name']))
modules[module['name']] = list(
set(modules.get(module['name'], []) + dependencies))
ordered_mods = []
def insert(module):
# already inserted
if module in ordered_mods: return
# should be preloaded
if module not in modules: return
for name in modules[module]:
for name in modules:
return ordered_mods
sorted_modules = topological_sort(modules)
return [module for module in sorted_modules if module not in loaded]
def eval_domain_and_context(self, req, contexts, domains,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import unittest2
from ..controllers.main import topological_sort
def sample(population):
return random.sample(
random.randint(0, min(len(population), 5)))
class TestModulesLoading(unittest2.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mods = map(str, range(1000))
def test_topological_sort(self):
modules = [
(k, sample(self.mods[:i]))
for i, k in enumerate(self.mods)]
ms = dict(modules)
seen = set()
sorted_modules = topological_sort(ms)
for module in sorted_modules:
deps = ms[module]
seen, set(deps),
'Module %s (index %d), ' \
'missing dependencies %s from loaded modules %s' % (
module, sorted_modules.index(module), deps, seen