[FIX] calendar, google_calendar: multiple fixes with timezones, filters, google sync and dashboards

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20140218171508-6li402027u57ltrx
This commit is contained in:
jke-openerp 2014-02-18 18:15:08 +01:00 committed by Olivier Dony
parent 3226a16b99
commit 629daccd56
6 changed files with 418 additions and 321 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.http import request
from operator import itemgetter
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -843,6 +845,7 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
'attendee_ids': fields.one2many('calendar.attendee', 'event_id', 'Attendees', ondelete='cascade'),
'partner_ids': fields.many2many('res.partner', string='Attendees', states={'done': [('readonly', True)]}),
'alarm_ids': fields.many2many('calendar.alarm', string='Reminders', ondelete="restrict"),
_defaults = {
'end_type': 'count',
@ -872,9 +875,6 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
"""Returns duration and/or end date based on values passed
@param ids: List of calendar event's IDs.
@param start_date: Starting date
@param duration: Duration between start date and end date
@param end_date: Ending Datee
if context is None:
context = {}
@ -1353,16 +1353,56 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
res = super(calendar_event, self).copy(cr, uid, calendar_id2real_id(id), default, context)
return res
def _detach_one_event(self, cr, uid, id, values=dict(), context=None):
real_event_id = calendar_id2real_id(id)
data = self.read(cr, uid, id, ['date', 'date_deadline', 'rrule', 'duration'])
if data.get('rrule'):
end_date = datetime.strptime(values.get('date', False) or data.get('date'),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ timedelta(hours=values.get('duration', False) or data.get('duration'))
#do not copy the id
if data.get('id'):
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, real_event_id, default=data, context=context)
return new_id
def open_after_detach_event(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
new_id = self._detach_one_event(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'calendar.event',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_id': new_id,
'target': 'current',
'flags': {'form': {'action_buttons': True, 'options' : { 'mode' : 'edit' } } }
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, values, context=None):
def _only_changes_to_apply_on_real_ids(field_names):
''' return True if changes are only to be made on the real ids'''
for field in field_names:
if field not in ['name', 'message_follower_ids','oe_update_date']:
return False
if field in ['date','active']:
return True
return False
context = context or {}
if isinstance(ids, (str,int, long)):
if len(str(ids).split('-')) == 1:
ids = [int(ids)]
@ -1383,30 +1423,13 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
# if we are setting the recurrency flag to False or if we are only changing fields that
# should be only updated on the real ID and not on the virtual (like message_follower_ids):
# then set real ids to be updated.
if not values.get('recurrency', True) or _only_changes_to_apply_on_real_ids(values.keys()):
if not values.get('recurrency', True) or not _only_changes_to_apply_on_real_ids(values.keys()):
#if edit one instance of a reccurrent id
data = self.read(cr, uid, event_id, ['date', 'date_deadline', 'rrule', 'duration'])
if data.get('rrule'):
end_date = datetime.strptime(values.get('date', False) or data.get('date'),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ timedelta(hours=values.get('duration', False) or data.get('duration'))
#do not copy the id
if data.get('id'):
new_id = self.copy(cr, uid, real_event_id, default=data, context=context)
context.update({'active_id': new_id, 'active_ids': [new_id]})
new_id = self._detach_one_event(cr, uid, event_id, values, context=None)
res = super(calendar_event, self).write(cr, uid, ids, values, context=context)
@ -1473,7 +1496,6 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
if context is None:
context = {}
fields2 = fields and fields[:] or None
EXTRAFIELDS = ('class', 'user_id', 'duration', 'date', 'rrule', 'vtimezone')
if fields and (f not in fields):
@ -1518,6 +1540,7 @@ class calendar_event(osv.Model):
if (k in r) and (fields and (k not in fields)):
del r[k]
if isinstance(ids, (str, int, long)):
return result and result[0] or False
return result

View File

@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
<page string="Meeting Details">
<group attrs="{'invisible': [('recurrency','==',False)]}" class="oe_edit_only ">
<p class='alert alert-warning'> This event is linked to a recurrence...<br/>
<button type="object" name="open_after_detach_event" string="Update only this instance" help="Click here to update only this instance and not all recurrences. " class="oe_link"/>
<field name="date" string="Starting at" on_change="onchange_dates(date, duration, False, allday)"/>

View File

@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ openerp.calendar = function(instance) {
if(instance.session.session_is_valid(self.db) && instance.session.username != "anonymous") {
} else {
alert('in anonymous or null ');
@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ openerp.calendar = function(instance) {
return location.replace(action_url);

View File

@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
!python {model: calendar.event}: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('date', '>=', '2011-04-30 16:00:00'), ('date', '<=', '2011-05-31 00:00:00')], context={'virtual_id': True} )
before = self.search(cr, uid, [('date', '>=', '2011-04-30 16:00:00'), ('date', '<=', '2011-05-31 00:00:00')], context={'virtual_id': False})
self.write(cr, uid,[ids[1]], {'name':'New Name','recurrency' : True}, context={'virtual_id': True})
# We start by detach the event
newid = self._detach_one_event(cr, uid,ids[1])
self.write(cr, uid,[newid], {'name':'New Name','recurrency' : True}, context={'virtual_id': True})
after = self.search(cr, uid, [('date', '>=', '2011-04-30 16:00:00'), ('date', '<=', '2011-05-31 00:00:00')], context={'virtual_id': False})
assert len(after) == len(before)+1, 'Wrong number of events found, after to have moved a virtual event'
new_id = list(set(after)-set(before))[0]
@ -58,7 +60,6 @@
duration: 1
interval: days
type: notification
Now I will assign this reminder to all day event

View File

@ -84,9 +84,12 @@
idval = '%d-%s' % (ref('calendar_event_sprintreview0'), '20110425124700')
self.write(cr, uid, [idval], {'description': 'Review code of the module: sync_google_calendar.'})
I check whether the record is edited perfectly or not.
I check whether that all the records of this recurrence has been edited.
!python {model: calendar.event}: |
meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('recurrent_id', '=', ref('calendar_event_sprintreview0')), ('recurrent_id_date','=','2011-04-25 12:47:00')], context)
assert meeting_ids, 'Meeting is not edited !'
meeting_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('recurrent_id', '=', ref('calendar_event_sprintreview0'))], context)
meetings = self.browse(cr, uid, meeting_ids, context)
for meeting in meetings:
assert meeting.description == 'Review code of the module: sync_google_calendar.', 'Description not changed for id: %s' %meeting.id

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -36,6 +37,168 @@ from dateutil import parser
import pytz
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.osv import osv
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Meta(type):
""" This Meta class allow to define class as a structure, and so instancied variable
in __init__ to avoid to have side effect alike 'static' variable """
def __new__(typ, name, parents, attrs):
methods = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()
if callable(v))
attrs = dict((k, v) for k, v in attrs.iteritems()
if not callable(v))
def init(self, **kw):
for k, v in attrs.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
for k, v in kw.iteritems():
assert k in attrs
setattr(self, k, v)
methods['__init__'] = init
methods['__getitem__'] = getattr
return type.__new__(typ, name, parents, methods)
class Struct(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
class OpenerpEvent(Struct):
event = False
found = False
event_id = False
isRecurrence = False
isInstance = False
update = False
status = False
attendee_id = False
synchro = False
class GmailEvent(Struct):
event = False
found = False
isRecurrence = False
isInstance = False
update = False
status = False
class SyncEvent(object):
def __init__(self):
self.OE = OpenerpEvent()
self.GG = GmailEvent()
self.OP = None
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self,key)
def compute_OP(self):
#If event are already in Gmail and in OpenERP
if self.OE.found and self.GG.found:
#If the event has been deleted from one side, we delete on other side !
if self.OE.status != self.GG.status:
self.OP = Delete((self.OE.status and "OE") or (self.GG.status and "GG"),
'The event has been deleted from one side, we delete on other side !' )
#If event is not deleted !
elif self.OE.status and self.GG.status:
if self.OE.update.split('.')[0] != self.GG.update.split('.')[0]:
if self.OE.update < self.GG.update:
tmpSrc = 'GG'
elif self.OE.update > self.GG.update:
tmpSrc = 'OE'
assert tmpSrc in ['GG','OE']
#if self.OP.action == None:
if self[tmpSrc].isRecurrence:
if self[tmpSrc].status:
self.OP = Update(tmpSrc, 'Only need to update, because i\'m active')
self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to Exclude (Me = First event from recurrence) from recurrence')
elif self[tmpSrc].isInstance:
self.OP= Update(tmpSrc, 'Only need to update, because already an exclu');
self.OP = Update(tmpSrc, 'Simply Update... I\'m a single event');
#end-if self.OP.action == None:
if not self.OE.synchro or self.OE.synchro.split('.')[0] < self.OE.update.split('.')[0]:
self.OP = Update('OE','Event already updated by another user, but not synchro with my google calendar')
#import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace();
self.OP = NothingToDo("",'Not update needed')
self.OP = NothingToDo("", "Both are already deleted");
# New in openERP... Create on create_events of synchronize function
elif self.OE.found and not self.GG.found:
#Has been deleted from gmail
if self.OE.status:
self.OP = Delete('OE', 'Removed from GOOGLE')
self.OP = NothingToDo("","Already Deleted in gmail and unlinked in OpenERP")
elif self.GG.found and not self.OE.found:
tmpSrc = 'GG'
if not self.GG.status and not self.GG.isInstance:
# don't need to make something... because event has been created and deleted before the synchronization
self.OP = NothingToDo("", 'Nothing to do... Create and Delete directly')
if self.GG.isInstance:
if self[tmpSrc].status:
self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to create the new exclu')
self.OP = Exclude(tmpSrc, 'Need to copy and Exclude')
self.OP = Create(tmpSrc, 'New EVENT CREATE from GMAIL')
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self):
myPrint = "---- A SYNC EVENT ---"
myPrint += "\n ID OE: %s " % (self.OE.event and self.OE.event.id)
myPrint += "\n ID GG: %s " % (self.GG.event and self.GG.event.get('id', False))
myPrint += "\n Name OE: %s " % (self.OE.event and self.OE.event.name)
myPrint += "\n Name GG: %s " % (self.GG.event and self.GG.event.get('summary', False))
myPrint += "\n Found OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.found, self.GG.found)
myPrint += "\n Recurrence OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.isRecurrence, self.GG.isRecurrence)
myPrint += "\n Instance OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.isInstance, self.GG.isInstance)
myPrint += "\n Synchro OE: %10s " % (self.OE.synchro)
myPrint += "\n Update OE: %10s " % (self.OE.update)
myPrint += "\n Update GG: %10s " % (self.GG.update)
myPrint += "\n Status OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (self.OE.status, self.GG.status)
if (self.OP is None):
myPrint += "\n Action %s" % "---!!!---NONE---!!!---"
myPrint += "\n Action %s" % type(self.OP).__name__
myPrint += "\n Source %s" % (self.OP.src)
myPrint += "\n comment %s" % (self.OP.info)
return myPrint
class SyncOperation(object):
def __init__(self, src,info, **kw):
self.src = src
self.info = info
for k,v in kw.items():
def __str__(self):
return 'in__STR__'
class Create(SyncOperation):
class Update(SyncOperation):
class Delete(SyncOperation):
class NothingToDo(SyncOperation):
class Exclude(SyncOperation):
class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
@ -47,10 +210,12 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
start_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) , context=context).isoformat('T').split('T')[0]
end_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) + timedelta(hours=event.duration), context=context).isoformat('T').split('T')[0]
type = 'date'
vstype = 'dateTime'
start_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.date, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), context=context).isoformat('T')
end_date = fields.datetime.context_timestamp(cr, uid, datetime.strptime(event.date_deadline, tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), context=context).isoformat('T')
type = 'dateTime'
vstype = 'date'
attendee_list = []
for attendee in event.attendee_ids:
@ -64,10 +229,12 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
"description": event.description or '',
@ -80,10 +247,13 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
if not event.active:
data["state"] = "cancelled"
if not self.get_need_synchro_attendee(cr,uid,context=context):
return data
def create_an_event(self, cr, uid,event, context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
data = self.generate_data(cr, uid,event, context=context)
@ -94,7 +264,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
return gs_pool._do_request(cr, uid, url, data_json, headers, type='POST', context=context)
def delete_an_event(self, cr, uid,event_id, context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
params = {
'access_token' : self.get_token(cr,uid,context)
@ -108,12 +278,14 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
if not token:
token = self.get_token(cr,uid,context)
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
params = {
'fields': 'items,nextPageToken',
'access_token' : token,
'timeMin': self.get_start_time_to_synchro(cr,uid,context=context).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz"),
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
@ -134,7 +306,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
def update_to_google(self, cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, context):
calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event']
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
url = "/calendar/v3/calendars/%s/events/%s?fields=%s&access_token=%s" % ('primary', google_event['id'],'id,updated', self.get_token(cr,uid,context))
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'}
@ -148,10 +320,10 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
calendar_event.write(cr, uid, [oe_event.id], {'oe_update_date':update_date})
if context['curr_attendee']:
self.pool.get('calendar.attendee').write(cr,uid,[context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date':update_date},context)
self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr,uid,[context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date':update_date},context)
def update_an_event(self, cr, uid,event, context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
data = self.generate_data(cr, uid,event, context=context)
@ -164,7 +336,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
return response
def update_recurrent_event_exclu(self, cr, uid,instance_id,event_ori_google_id,event_new, context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
data = self.generate_data(cr, uid,event_new, context=context)
@ -186,7 +358,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event']
res_partner_obj = self.pool['res.partner']
calendar_attendee_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee']
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')
user_obj = self.pool['res.users']
myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr,uid,uid,context).partner_id.id
attendee_record = []
partner_record = [(4,myPartnerID)]
@ -203,14 +375,16 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
if google_attendee.get('found',False):
if self.get_need_synchro_attendee(cr,uid,context=context):
attendee_id = res_partner_obj.search(cr, uid,[('email', '=', google_attendee['email'])], context=context)
if not attendee_id:
attendee_id = [res_partner_obj.create(cr, uid,{'email': google_attendee['email'],'Customer': False, 'name': google_attendee.get("displayName",False) or google_attendee['email'] }, context=context)]
attendee_id = [res_partner_obj.create(cr, uid,{'email': google_attendee['email'],'customer': False, 'name': google_attendee.get("displayName",False) or google_attendee['email'] }, context=context)]
attendee = res_partner_obj.read(cr, uid, attendee_id[0], ['email'], context=context)
partner_record.append((4, attendee.get('id')))
attendee['partner_id'] = attendee.pop('id')
attendee['state'] = google_attendee['responseStatus']
attendee_record.append((0, 0, attendee))
UTC = pytz.timezone('UTC')
if single_event_dict.get('start') and single_event_dict.get('end'): # If not cancelled
if single_event_dict['start'].get('dateTime',False) and single_event_dict['end'].get('dateTime',False):
@ -261,16 +435,17 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
res = calendar_event.create(cr, uid, result, context=context)
if context['curr_attendee']:
self.pool.get('calendar.attendee').write(cr,uid,[context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date':update_date,'google_internal_event_id': single_event_dict.get('id',False)},context)
self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr,uid,[context['curr_attendee']], {'oe_synchro_date':update_date,'google_internal_event_id': single_event_dict.get('id',False)},context)
return res
def synchronize_events(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
gc_obj = self.pool.get('google.calendar')
gc_obj = self.pool['google.calendar']
# Create all new events from OpenERP into Gmail, if that is not recurrent event
self.create_new_events(cr, uid, context=context)
self.bind_recurring_events_to_google(cr, uid, context)
res = self.update_events(cr, uid, context)
@ -279,10 +454,9 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
"url" : ''
def create_new_events(self, cr, uid, context):
gc_pool = self.pool.get('google.calendar')
calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event']
def create_new_events(self, cr, uid, context=None):
gc_pool = self.pool['google.calendar']
ev_obj = self.pool['calendar.event']
att_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee']
user_obj = self.pool['res.users']
myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context).partner_id.id
@ -290,58 +464,52 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
context_norecurrent = context.copy()
context_norecurrent['virtual_id'] = False
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),('google_internal_event_id', '=', False)], context=context_norecurrent)
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[ ('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),
('google_internal_event_id', '=', False),
('event_id.date_deadline','>',self.get_start_time_to_synchro(cr,uid,context).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
('event_id.end_date','>',self.get_start_time_to_synchro(cr,uid,context).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
], context=context_norecurrent)
for att in att_obj.browse(cr,uid,my_att_ids,context=context):
if not att.event_id.recurrent_id or att.event_id.recurrent_id == 0:
response = self.create_an_event(cr,uid,att.event_id,context=context)
update_date = datetime.strptime(response['updated'],"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz")
calendar_event.write(cr, uid, att.event_id.id, {'oe_update_date':update_date})
ev_obj.write(cr, uid, att.event_id.id, {'oe_update_date':update_date})
att_obj.write(cr, uid, [att.id], {'google_internal_event_id': response['id'], 'oe_synchro_date':update_date})
return True
def get_empty_synchro_summarize(self) :
return {
'OE_event' : False,
'OE_found' : False,
'OE_event_id' : False,
'OE_attendee_id': False,
def bind_recurring_events_to_google(self, cr, uid, context):
ev_obj = self.pool['calendar.event']
att_obj = self.pool['calendar.attendee']
user_obj = self.pool['res.users']
myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context).partner_id.id
'GG_event' : False,
'GG_found' : False,
context_norecurrent = context.copy()
context_norecurrent['virtual_id'] = False
context_norecurrent['active_test'] = False
'td_action':'', # create, update, delete, None
#If 'td_action' in (create , update),
# If td_source == OE
# We create in google the event based on OpenERP
# If td_source == GG
# We create in OpenERP the event based on Gmail
#If 'td_action' in (delete),
# If td_source == OE
# We delete in OpenERP the event
# If td_source == GG
# We delete in Gmail the event
# If td_source == ALL
# We delete in openERP AND in Gmail the event
'td_source': '', # OE, GG, ALL
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),('google_internal_event_id', '=', False)], context=context_norecurrent)
for att in att_obj.browse(cr,uid,my_att_ids,context=context):
if att.event_id.recurrent_id and att.event_id.recurrent_id > 0:
new_google_internal_event_id = False
source_event_record = ev_obj.browse(cr, uid, att.event_id.recurrent_id, context)
source_attendee_record_id = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=', myPartnerID), ('event_id','=',source_event_record.id)], context=context)
source_attendee_record = att_obj.browse(cr, uid, source_attendee_record_id, context)[0]
def update_events(self, cr, uid, context):
if att.event_id.recurrent_id_date and source_event_record.allday and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id:
new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id +'_'+ att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.split(' ')[0].replace('-','')
elif att.event_id.recurrent_id_date and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id:
new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id +'_'+ att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.replace('-','').replace(' ','T').replace(':','') + 'Z'
if new_google_internal_event_id:
res = self.update_recurrent_event_exclu(cr, uid,new_google_internal_event_id, source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id,att.event_id, context=context)
att_obj.write(cr, uid, [att.id], {'google_internal_event_id': new_google_internal_event_id}, context=context)
def update_events(self, cr, uid, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
@ -355,10 +523,14 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
context_novirtual['active_test'] = False
all_event_from_google = self.get_event_dict(cr, uid, context=context)
all_new_event_from_google = all_event_from_google.copy()
# Select all events from OpenERP which have been already synchronized in gmail
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),('google_internal_event_id', '!=', False)], context=context_novirtual)
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[ ('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),
('google_internal_event_id', '!=', False),
('event_id.date_deadline','>',self.get_start_time_to_synchro(cr,uid,context).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
('event_id.end_date','>',self.get_start_time_to_synchro(cr,uid,context).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
], context=context_novirtual)
event_to_synchronize = {}
for att in att_obj.browse(cr,uid,my_att_ids,context=context):
event = att.event_id
@ -369,18 +541,19 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id] = {}
if att.google_internal_event_id not in event_to_synchronize[base_event_id]:
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id] = self.get_empty_synchro_summarize()
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id] = SyncEvent()
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_attendee_id'] = att.id
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_event'] = event
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_found'] = True
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_event_id'] = event.id
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_isRecurrence'] = event.recurrency
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_isInstance'] = bool(event.recurrent_id and event.recurrent_id > 0)
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_update'] = event.oe_update_date
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_status'] = event.active
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]['OE_synchro'] = att.oe_synchro_date
ev_to_sync = event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][att.google_internal_event_id]
ev_to_sync.OE.attendee_id = att.id
ev_to_sync.OE.event = event
ev_to_sync.OE.found = True
ev_to_sync.OE.event_id = event.id
ev_to_sync.OE.isRecurrence = event.recurrency
ev_to_sync.OE.isInstance = bool(event.recurrent_id and event.recurrent_id > 0)
ev_to_sync.OE.update = event.oe_update_date
ev_to_sync.OE.status = event.active
ev_to_sync.OE.synchro = att.oe_synchro_date
for event in all_event_from_google.values():
event_id = event.get('id')
@ -390,97 +563,27 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id] = {}
if event_id not in event_to_synchronize[base_event_id]:
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id] = self.get_empty_synchro_summarize()
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id] = SyncEvent()
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_event'] = event
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_found'] = True
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_isRecurrence'] = bool(event.get('recurrence',''))
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_isInstance'] = bool(event.get('recurringEventId',0))
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_update'] = event.get('updated',None) # if deleted, no date without browse event
if event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_update']:
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_update'] =event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_update'].replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')
event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]['GG_status'] = (event.get('status') != 'cancelled')
ev_to_sync = event_to_synchronize[base_event_id][event_id]
ev_to_sync.GG.event = event
ev_to_sync.GG.found = True
ev_to_sync.GG.isRecurrence = bool(event.get('recurrence',''))
ev_to_sync.GG.isInstance = bool(event.get('recurringEventId',0))
ev_to_sync.GG.update = event.get('updated',None) # if deleted, no date without browse event
if ev_to_sync.GG.update:
ev_to_sync.GG.update = ev_to_sync.GG.update.replace('T',' ').replace('Z','')
ev_to_sync.GG.status = (event.get('status') != 'cancelled')
for base_event in event_to_synchronize:
for current_event in event_to_synchronize[base_event]:
event = event_to_synchronize[base_event][current_event]
#If event are already in Gmail and in OpenERP
if event['OE_found'] and event['GG_found']:
#If the event has been deleted from one side, we delete on other side !
if event['OE_status'] != event['GG_status']:
event['td_action'] = "DELETE"
event['td_source'] = (event['OE_status'] and "OE") or (event['GG_status'] and "GG")
#If event is not deleted !
elif event['OE_status'] and event['GG_status']:
if event['OE_update'].split('.')[0] != event['GG_update'].split('.')[0]:
if event['OE_update'] < event['GG_update']:
event['td_source'] = 'GG'
elif event['OE_update'] > event['GG_update']:
event['td_source'] = 'OE'
if event['td_action'] != "None":
if event['%s_isRecurrence' % event['td_source']]:
if event['%s_status' % event['td_source']]:
event['td_action'] = "UPDATE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Only need to update, because i\'m active'
event['td_action'] = "EXCLUDE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Need to Exclude (Me = First event from recurrence) from recurrence'
elif event['%s_isInstance' % event['td_source']]:
event['td_action'] = "UPDATE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Only need to update, because already an exclu'
event['td_action'] = "UPDATE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Simply Update... I\'m a single event'
if not event['OE_synchro'] or event['OE_synchro'].split('.')[0] < event['OE_update'].split('.')[0]:
event['td_source'] = 'OE'
event['td_action'] = "UPDATE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Event already updated by another user, but not synchro with my google calendar'
event['td_action'] = "None"
event['td_comment'] = 'Not update needed'
event['td_action'] = "None"
event['td_comment'] = "Both are already deleted"
# New in openERP... Create on create_events of synchronize function
elif event['OE_found'] and not event['GG_found']:
#Has been deleted from gmail
if event['OE_status']:
event['td_source'] = 'OE'
event['td_action'] = 'DELETE'
event['td_comment'] = 'Removed from GOOGLE ?'
event['td_action'] = "None"
event['td_comment'] = "Already Deleted in gmail and unlinked in OpenERP"
elif event['GG_found'] and not event['OE_found']:
event['td_source'] = 'GG'
if not event['GG_status'] and not event['GG_isInstance']:
# don't need to make something... because event has been created and deleted before the synchronization
event['td_action'] = 'None'
event['td_comment'] = 'Nothing to do... Create and Delete directly'
if event['GG_isInstance']:
if event['%s_status' % event['td_source']]:
event['td_action'] = "EXCLUDE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Need to create the new exclu'
event['td_action'] = "EXCLUDE"
event['td_comment'] = 'Need to copy and Exclude'
event['td_action'] = "CREATE"
event['td_comment'] = 'New EVENT CREATE from GMAIL'
#print event_to_synchronize[base_event]
#print "========================================================"
@ -489,104 +592,61 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
event_to_synchronize[base_event] = sorted(event_to_synchronize[base_event].iteritems(),key=operator.itemgetter(0))
for current_event in event_to_synchronize[base_event]:
event = current_event[1]
### DEBUG ###
# if event['td_action'] and event['td_action'] != 'None':
# print " Real Event %s (%s)" % (current_event[0],event['OE_event_id'])
# print " Found OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (event['OE_found'],event['GG_found'])
# print " Recurrence OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (event['OE_isRecurrence'],event['GG_isRecurrence'])
# print " Instance OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (event['OE_isInstance'],event['GG_isInstance'])
# print " Synchro OE: %10s " % (event['OE_synchro'])
# print " Update OE: %10s " % (event['OE_update'])
# print " Update GG: %10s " % (event['GG_update'])
# print " Status OE:%5s vs GG: %5s" % (event['OE_status'],event['GG_status'])
# print " Action %s" % (event['td_action'])
# print " Source %s" % (event['td_source'])
# print " comment %s" % (event['td_comment'])
event = current_event[1] # event is an Sync Event !
context['curr_attendee'] = event.get('OE_attendee_id',False)
actToDo = event.OP
actSrc = event.OP.src
actToDo = event['td_action']
actSrc = event['td_source']
if not actToDo:
raise ("#!? WHAT I NEED TO DO ????")
if actToDo == 'None':
# if not isinstance(actToDo, NothingToDo):
# print event
context['curr_attendee'] = event.OE.attendee_id
if isinstance(actToDo, NothingToDo):
elif actToDo == 'CREATE':
elif isinstance(actToDo, Create):
context_tmp = context.copy()
context_tmp['NewMeeting'] = True
if actSrc == 'GG':
res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, False, event['GG_event'], "create", context=context_tmp)
event['OE_event_id'] = res
res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, False, event.GG.event, "create", context=context_tmp)
event.OE.event_id = res
meeting = calendar_event.browse(cr,uid,res,context=context)
attendee_record_id = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=', myPartnerID), ('event_id','=',res)], context=context)
self.pool.get('calendar.attendee').write(cr,uid,attendee_record_id, {'oe_synchro_date':meeting.oe_update_date,'google_internal_event_id': event['GG_event']['id']},context=context_tmp)
self.pool['calendar.attendee'].write(cr, uid, attendee_record_id, {'oe_synchro_date':meeting.oe_update_date, 'google_internal_event_id':event.GG.event['id']}, context=context_tmp)
elif actSrc == 'OE':
raise "Should be never here, creation for OE is done before update !"
#TODO Add to batch
elif actToDo == 'UPDATE':
elif isinstance(actToDo, Update):
if actSrc == 'GG':
self.update_from_google(cr, uid, event['OE_event'], event['GG_event'], 'write', context)
self.update_from_google(cr, uid, event.OE.event, event.GG.event, 'write', context)
elif actSrc == 'OE':
self.update_to_google(cr, uid, event['OE_event'], event['GG_event'], context)
elif actToDo == 'EXCLUDE' :
self.update_to_google(cr, uid, event.OE.event, event.GG.event, context)
elif isinstance(actToDo, Exclude):
if actSrc == 'OE':
elif actSrc == 'GG':
new_google_event_id = event['GG_event']['id'].split('_')[1]
new_google_event_id = event.GG.event['id'].split('_')[1]
if 'T' in new_google_event_id:
new_google_event_id = new_google_event_id.replace('T','')[:-1]
new_google_event_id = new_google_event_id + "000000"
if event['GG_status']:
if event.GG.status:
parent_event = {}
parent_event['id'] = "%s-%s" % (event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].get('OE_event_id') , new_google_event_id)
res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, parent_event, event['GG_event'], "copy", context)
parent_event['id'] = "%s-%s" % (event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id , new_google_event_id)
res = self.update_from_google(cr, uid, parent_event, event.GG.event, "copy", context)
if event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].get('OE_event_id'):
parent_oe_id = event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].get('OE_event_id')
if event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id:
parent_oe_id = event_to_synchronize[base_event][0][1].OE.event_id
calendar_event.unlink(cr,uid,"%s-%s" % (parent_oe_id,new_google_event_id),unlink_level=1,context=context)
elif actToDo == 'DELETE':
elif isinstance(actToDo, Delete):
if actSrc == 'GG':
elif actSrc == 'OE':
return True
def bind_recurring_events_to_google(self, cr, uid, context):
calendar_event = self.pool['calendar.event']
att_obj = self.pool.get('calendar.attendee')
user_obj = self.pool['res.users']
myPartnerID = user_obj.browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context).partner_id.id
context_norecurrent = context.copy()
context_norecurrent['virtual_id'] = False
context_norecurrent['active_test'] = False
my_att_ids = att_obj.search(cr, uid,[('partner_id', '=', myPartnerID),('google_internal_event_id', '=', False)], context=context_norecurrent)
for att in att_obj.browse(cr,uid,my_att_ids,context=context):
if att.event_id.recurrent_id and att.event_id.recurrent_id > 0:
new_google_internal_event_id = False
source_event_record = calendar_event.browse(cr, uid, att.event_id.recurrent_id, context)
source_attendee_record_id = att_obj.search(cr, uid, [('partner_id','=', myPartnerID), ('event_id','=',source_event_record.id)], context=context)
source_attendee_record = att_obj.browse(cr, uid, source_attendee_record_id, context)
if source_attendee_record:
source_attendee_record = source_attendee_record[0]
if att.event_id.recurrent_id_date and source_event_record.allday and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id:
new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id +'_'+ att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.split(' ')[0].replace('-','')
elif event.recurrent_id_date and source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id:
new_google_internal_event_id = source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id +'_'+ att.event_id.recurrent_id_date.replace('-','').replace(' ','T').replace(':','') + 'Z'
if new_google_internal_event_id:
res = self.update_recurrent_event_exclu(cr,uid,new_google_internal_event_id,source_attendee_record.google_internal_event_id,att.event_id,context=context)
att_obj.write(cr, uid, [att.id], {'google_internal_event_id': new_google_internal_event_id})
def check_and_sync(self, cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, context):
if datetime.strptime(oe_event.oe_update_date,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") > datetime.strptime(google_event['updated'],"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fz"):
@ -595,7 +655,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
self.update_from_google(cr, uid, oe_event, google_event, 'write', context)
def get_sequence(self,cr,uid,instance_id,context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
params = {
'fields': 'sequence',
@ -613,7 +673,7 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
def get_token(self,cr,uid,context=None):
current_user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
if datetime.strptime(current_user.google_calendar_token_validity.split('.')[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") < (datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=1)):
@ -622,8 +682,8 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
return current_user.google_calendar_token
def do_refresh_token(self,cr,uid,context=None):
current_user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
refresh = current_user.google_calendar_rtoken
all_token = gs_pool._refresh_google_token_json(cr, uid, current_user.google_calendar_rtoken, self.STR_SERVICE, context=context)
@ -632,10 +692,10 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
vals['google_%s_token_validity' % self.STR_SERVICE] = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=all_token.get('expires_in'))
vals['google_%s_token' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('access_token')
def need_authorize(self,cr,uid,context=None):
current_user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
current_user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr,uid,uid,context=context)
return current_user.google_calendar_rtoken == False
def get_calendar_scope(self,RO=False):
@ -643,22 +703,30 @@ class google_calendar(osv.AbstractModel):
return 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar%s' % (readonly)
def authorize_google_uri(self,cr,uid,from_url='http://www.openerp.com',context=None):
url = self.pool.get('google.service')._get_authorize_uri(cr,uid,from_url,self.STR_SERVICE,scope=self.get_calendar_scope(),context=context)
url = self.pool['google.service']._get_authorize_uri(cr,uid,from_url,self.STR_SERVICE,scope=self.get_calendar_scope(),context=context)
return url
def can_authorize_google(self,cr,uid,context=None):
return self.pool['res.users'].has_group(cr, uid, 'base.group_erp_manager')
def set_all_tokens(self,cr,uid,authorization_code,context=None):
gs_pool = self.pool.get('google.service')
gs_pool = self.pool['google.service']
all_token = gs_pool._get_google_token_json(cr, uid, authorization_code,self.STR_SERVICE,context=context)
vals = {}
vals['google_%s_rtoken' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('refresh_token')
vals['google_%s_token_validity' % self.STR_SERVICE] = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=all_token.get('expires_in'))
vals['google_%s_token' % self.STR_SERVICE] = all_token.get('access_token')
def get_start_time_to_synchro(self, cr, uid, context=None) :
number_of_week = 13
return datetime.now()-timedelta(weeks=number_of_week)
def get_need_synchro_attendee(self, cr, uid, context=None):
return True
class res_users(osv.Model):
_inherit = 'res.users'
@ -718,7 +786,6 @@ class calendar_attendee(osv.Model):
# If attendees are updated, we need to specify that next synchro need an action
# Except if it come from an update_from_google
if not context.get('curr_attendee', False) and not context.get('NewMeeting', False):
self.pool.get('calendar.event').write(cr, uid, ref, {'oe_update_date':datetime.now()},context)
self.pool['calendar.event'].write(cr, uid, ref, {'oe_update_date':datetime.now()},context)
return super(calendar_attendee, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)