Merge pull request #3144 from odoo-dev/8.0-translations-export-xmo

Translation docs + code improvements and fixes
This commit is contained in:
Raphael Collet 2014-12-02 10:12:38 +01:00
commit dbc9241eaf
7 changed files with 214 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ instance.web.DiagramView = instance.web.View.extend({
CuteEdge.creation_callback = function(node_start, node_end){
return {label:_t("")};
return {label: ''};
CuteEdge.new_edge_callback = function(cuteedge){

View File

@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ Reference

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
.. _reference/translations:
Translating Modules
Exporting translatable term
A number of terms in your modules are "implicitly translatable" as a result,
even if you haven't done any specific work towards translation you can export
your module's translatable terms and may find content to work with.
.. todo:: needs technical features
Translations export is done via the administration interface by logging into
the backend interface and opening :menuselection:`Settings --> Translations
--> Import / Export --> Export Translations`
* leave the language to the default (new language/empty template)
* select the `PO File`_ format
* select your module
* click :guilabel:`Export` and download the file
.. image:: translations/po-export.*
:align: center
:width: 75%
This gives you a file called :file:`{yourmodule}.pot` which should be moved to
the :file:`{yourmodule}/i18n/` directory. The file is a *PO Template* which
simply lists translatable strings and from which actual translations (PO files)
can be created. PO files can be created using msginit_, with a dedicated
translation tool like POEdit_ or by simply copying the template to a new file
called :file:`{language}.po`. Translation files should be put in
:file:`{yourmodule}/i18n/`, next to :file:`{yourmodule}.pot`, and will be
automatically loaded by Odoo when the corresponding language is installed (via
:menuselection:`Settings --> Translations --> Load a Translation`)
.. note:: translations for all loaded languages are also installed or updated
when installing or updating a module
Implicit exports
Odoo automatically exports translatable strings from "data"-type content:
* in non-QWeb views, all text nodes are exported as well as the content of
the ``string``, ``help``, ``sum``, ``confirm`` and ``placeholder``
* QWeb templates (both server-side and client-side), all text nodes are
exported except inside ``t-translation="off"`` blocks, the content of the
``title``, ``alt``, ``label`` and ``placeholder`` attributes are also
* for :class:`~openerp.fields.Field`, unless their model is marked with
``_translate = False``:
* their ``string`` and ``help`` attributes are exported
* if ``selection`` is present and a list (or tuple), it's exported
* if their ``translate`` attribute is set to ``True``, all of their existing
values (across all records) are exported
* help/error messages of :attr:`~openerp.models.Model._constraints` and
:attr:`~openerp.models.Model._sql_constraints` are exported
Explicit exports
When it comes to more "imperative" situations in Python code or Javascript
code, Odoo is not able to automatically export translatable terms and they
must be marked explicitly for export. This is done by wrapping a literal
string in a function call.
In Python, the wrapping function is :func:`openerp._`::
title = _("Bank Accounts")
In JavaScript, the wrapping function is generally :js:func:`openerp.web._t`:
.. code-block:: javascript
title = _t("Bank Accounts")
.. warning::
Only literal strings can be marked for exports, not expressions and not
variables. For situations where strings are formatted, this means the
format string must be marked, not the formatted string::
# bad, the extract may work but it will not correctly translate the text
_("Scheduled meeting with %s" %
# good
_("Scheduled meeting with %s") %
.. _PO File:
.. _msginit:
.. _POEdit:

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.9 KiB

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
import base64
import contextlib
import cStringIO
from openerp import tools
@ -51,29 +52,29 @@ class base_language_export(osv.osv_memory):
_defaults = {
'state': 'choose',
'name': 'lang.tar.gz',
'lang': NEW_LANG_KEY,
'format': 'csv',
def act_getfile(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0]
this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)[0]
lang = this.lang if this.lang != NEW_LANG_KEY else False
mods = map(lambda m:, this.modules) or ['all']
buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
mods = sorted(map(lambda m:, this.modules)) or ['all']
with contextlib.closing(cStringIO.StringIO()) as buf:
tools.trans_export(lang, mods, buf, this.format, cr)
out = base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue())
filename = 'new'
if lang:
filename = get_iso_codes(lang)
elif len(mods) == 1:
filename = mods[0] = "%s.%s" % (filename, this.format)
out = base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue())
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'get',
'data': out,
'name'}, context=context)
extension = this.format
if not lang and extension == 'po':
extension = 'pot'
name = "%s.%s" % (filename, extension)
this.write({ 'state': 'get', 'data': out, 'name': name })
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'base.language.export',

View File

@ -466,10 +466,12 @@ class res_config_settings(osv.osv_memory, res_config_module_installation_mixin):
dep_name = [x.shortdesc for x in module_pool.browse(
cr, uid, dep_ids + module_ids, context=context)]
message = '\n'.join(dep_name)
return {'warning': {'title': _('Warning!'),
_('Disabling this option will also uninstall the following modules \n%s' % message)
return {
'warning': {
'title': _('Warning!'),
'message': _('Disabling this option will also uninstall the following modules \n%s') % message,
return {}
def _get_classified_fields(self, cr, uid, context=None):

View File

@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
from babel.messages import extract
from os.path import join
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from lxml import etree
from os.path import join
import config
import misc
@ -505,13 +505,8 @@ def trans_export(lang, modules, buffer, format, cr):
raise Exception(_('Unrecognized extension: must be one of '
'.csv, .po, or .tgz (received .%s).' % format))
trans_lang = lang
if not trans_lang and format == 'csv':
# CSV files are meant for translators and they need a starting point,
# so we at least put the original term in the translation column
trans_lang = 'en_US'
translations = trans_generate(lang, modules, cr)
modules = set([t[0] for t in translations[1:]])
modules = set(t[0] for t in translations)
_process(format, modules, translations, buffer, lang)
del translations
@ -566,18 +561,17 @@ def trans_parse_view(element, callback):
:param callable callback: a callable in the form ``f(term, source_line)``,
that will be called for each extracted term.
if (not isinstance(element, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES)
and element.tag.lower() not in SKIPPED_ELEMENTS
and element.text):
_push(callback, element.text, element.sourceline)
if element.tail:
_push(callback, element.tail, element.sourceline)
for el in element.iter():
if (not isinstance(el, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES)
and el.tag.lower() not in SKIPPED_ELEMENTS
and el.text):
_push(callback, el.text, el.sourceline)
if el.tail:
_push(callback, el.tail, el.sourceline)
for attr in ('string', 'help', 'sum', 'confirm', 'placeholder'):
value = element.get(attr)
value = el.get(attr)
if value:
_push(callback, value, element.sourceline)
for n in element:
trans_parse_view(n, callback)
_push(callback, value, el.sourceline)
# tests whether an object is in a list of modules
def in_modules(object_name, modules):
@ -598,8 +592,8 @@ def _extract_translatable_qweb_terms(element, callback):
a QWeb template, and call ``callback(term)`` for each
translatable term that is found in the document.
:param ElementTree element: root of etree document to extract terms from
:param callable callback: a callable in the form ``f(term, source_line)``,
:param etree._Element element: root of etree document to extract terms from
:param Callable callback: a callable in the form ``f(term, source_line)``,
that will be called for each extracted term.
# not using elementTree.iterparse because we need to skip sub-trees in case
@ -609,8 +603,7 @@ def _extract_translatable_qweb_terms(element, callback):
if (el.tag.lower() not in SKIPPED_ELEMENTS
and "t-js" not in el.attrib
and not ("t-jquery" in el.attrib and "t-operation" not in el.attrib)
and not ("t-translation" in el.attrib and
el.attrib["t-translation"].strip() == "off")):
and el.get("t-translation", '').strip() != "off"):
_push(callback, el.text, el.sourceline)
for att in ('title', 'alt', 'label', 'placeholder'):
if att in el.attrib:
@ -620,6 +613,7 @@ def _extract_translatable_qweb_terms(element, callback):
def babel_extract_qweb(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
"""Babel message extractor for qweb template files.
:param fileobj: the file-like object the messages should be extracted from
:param keywords: a list of keywords (i.e. function names) that should
be recognized as translation functions
@ -628,7 +622,7 @@ def babel_extract_qweb(fileobj, keywords, comment_tags, options):
:param options: a dictionary of additional options (optional)
:return: an iterator over ``(lineno, funcname, message, comments)``
:rtype: ``iterator``
:rtype: Iterable
result = []
def handle_text(text, lineno):
@ -641,11 +635,9 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
dbname = cr.dbname
registry = openerp.registry(dbname)
trans_obj = registry.get('ir.translation')
model_data_obj = registry.get('')
trans_obj = registry['ir.translation']
model_data_obj = registry['']
uid = 1
l = registry.models.items()
query = 'SELECT name, model, res_id, module' \
' FROM ir_model_data'
@ -667,15 +659,15 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
cr.execute(query, query_param)
_to_translate = []
_to_translate = set()
def push_translation(module, type, name, id, source, comments=None):
tuple = (module, source, name, id, type, comments or [])
# empty and one-letter terms are ignored, they probably are not meant to be
# translated, and would be very hard to translate anyway.
if not source or len(source.strip()) <= 1:
if tuple not in _to_translate:
tnx = (module, source, name, id, type, tuple(comments or ()))
def encode(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
@ -704,15 +696,15 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
_logger.error("Unable to find object %r", model)
if not registry[model]._translate:
Model = registry[model]
if not Model._translate:
# explicitly disabled
exists = registry[model].exists(cr, uid, res_id)
if not exists:
obj = Model.browse(cr, uid, res_id)
if not obj.exists():
_logger.warning("Unable to find object %r with id %d", model, res_id)
obj = registry[model].browse(cr, uid, res_id)
if model=='ir.ui.view':
d = etree.XML(encode(obj.arch))
@ -830,9 +822,9 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
if model_obj._sql_constraints:
push_local_constraints(module, model_obj, 'sql_constraints')
modobj = registry['ir.module.module']
installed_modids =, uid, [('state', '=', 'installed')])
installed_modules = map(lambda m: m['name'],, uid, installed_modids, ['name']))
installed_modules = map(
lambda m: m['name'],
registry['ir.module.module'].search_read(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'installed')], fields=['name']))
path_list = list(openerp.modules.module.ad_paths)
# Also scan these non-addon paths
@ -841,11 +833,9 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
_logger.debug("Scanning modules at paths: %s", path_list)
mod_paths = list(path_list)
def get_module_from_path(path):
for mp in mod_paths:
if path.startswith(mp) and (os.path.dirname(path) != mp):
for mp in path_list:
if path.startswith(mp) and os.path.dirname(path) != mp:
path = path[len(mp)+1:]
return path.split(os.path.sep)[0]
return 'base' # files that are not in a module are considered as being in 'base' module
@ -863,7 +853,7 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
extra_comments=None, extract_keywords={'_': None}):
module, fabsolutepath, _, display_path = verified_module_filepaths(fname, path, root)
extra_comments = extra_comments or []
if module:
if not module: return
src_file = open(fabsolutepath, 'r')
for extracted in extract.extract(extract_method, src_file,
@ -899,11 +889,10 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
out = []
# translate strings marked as to be translated
for module, source, name, id, type, comments in _to_translate:
for module, source, name, id, type, comments in sorted(_to_translate):
trans = '' if not lang else trans_obj._get_source(cr, uid, name, type, lang, source)
out.append([module, type, name, id, source, encode(trans) or '', comments])
out.append((module, type, name, id, source, encode(trans) or '', comments))
return out
def trans_load(cr, filename, lang, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
@ -948,11 +937,11 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
reader = csv.reader(fileobj, quotechar='"', delimiter=',')
# read the first line of the file (it contains columns titles)
for row in reader:
f = row
fields = row
elif fileformat == 'po':
reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']
fields = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']
# Make a reader for the POT file and be somewhat defensive for the
# stable branch.
@ -961,10 +950,10 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
# Normally the path looks like /path/to/xxx/i18n/lang.po
# and we try to find the corresponding
# /path/to/xxx/i18n/xxx.pot file.
head, _ = os.path.split(
head2, _ = os.path.split(head)
head3, tail3 = os.path.split(head2)
pot_handle = misc.file_open(os.path.join(head3, tail3, 'i18n', tail3 + '.pot'))
addons_module_i18n, _ = os.path.split(
addons_module, _ = os.path.split(addons_module_i18n)
addons, module = os.path.split(addons_module)
pot_handle = misc.file_open(os.path.join(addons, module, 'i18n', module + '.pot'))
pot_reader = TinyPoFile(pot_handle)
@ -973,59 +962,57 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
_logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))
# Read the POT `reference` comments, and keep them indexed by source
# string.
pot_targets = {}
# Read the POT references, and keep them indexed by source string.
class Target(object):
def __init__(self):
self.value = None
self.targets = set() # set of (type, name, res_id)
self.comments = None
pot_targets = defaultdict(Target)
for type, name, res_id, src, _, comments in pot_reader:
if type is not None:
pot_targets.setdefault(src, {'value': None, 'targets': []})
pot_targets[src]['targets'].append((type, name, res_id))
target = pot_targets[src]
target.targets.add((type, name, res_id))
target.comments = comments
# read the rest of the file
irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)
def process_row(row):
"""Process a single PO (or POT) entry."""
# skip empty rows and rows where the translation field (=last fiefd) is empty
#if (not row) or (not row[-1]):
# return
# dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
# {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
# 'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value', 'comments'))
dic = dict.fromkeys(('type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value',
'comments', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module'))
dic['lang'] = lang
for i, field in enumerate(f):
dic[field] = row[i]
dic.update(zip(fields, row))
# Get the `reference` comments from the POT.
src = row[3]
if pot_reader and src in pot_targets:
pot_targets[src]['targets'] = filter(lambda x: x != row[:3], pot_targets[src]['targets'])
pot_targets[src]['value'] = row[4]
if not pot_targets[src]['targets']:
del pot_targets[src]
# discard the target from the POT targets.
src = dic['src']
if src in pot_targets:
target = pot_targets[src]
target.value = dic['value']
target.targets.discard((dic['type'], dic['name'], dic['res_id']))
# This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id
if not dic.get('res_id'):
res_id = dic['res_id']
if not res_id:
res_id = dic.pop('res_id')
if res_id and isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) \
or (isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
if isinstance(res_id, (int, long)) or \
(isinstance(res_id, basestring) and res_id.isdigit()):
dic['res_id'] = int(res_id)
dic['module'] = module_name
tmodel = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
if '.' in res_id:
tmodule, tname = res_id.split('.', 1)
tmodule = False
tname = res_id
dic['imd_model'] = tmodel
dic['imd_name'] = tname
dic['module'] = tmodule
# res_id is an xml id
dic['res_id'] = None
dic['imd_model'] = dic['name'].split(',')[0]
if '.' in res_id:
dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = res_id.split('.', 1)
dic['module'], dic['imd_name'] = False, res_id
@ -1037,10 +1024,11 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
# Then process the entries implied by the POT file (which is more
# correct w.r.t. the targets) if some of them remain.
pot_rows = []
for src in pot_targets:
value = pot_targets[src]['value']
for type, name, res_id in pot_targets[src]['targets']:
pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, value, comments))
for src, target in pot_targets.iteritems():
if target.value:
for type, name, res_id in target.targets:
pot_rows.append((type, name, res_id, src, target.value, target.comments))
for row in pot_rows:
@ -1048,6 +1036,7 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
if verbose:"translation file loaded succesfully")
except IOError:
filename = '[lang: %s][format: %s]' % (iso_lang or 'new', fileformat)
_logger.exception("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)