[IMP] remove useless table/column creations in base.sql. Let the ORM do it job.

[FIX] force creation of workflow used columns.

bzr revid: chs@openerp.com-20140425162828-e85aut02ua8c53nv
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Simonis 2014-04-25 18:28:28 +02:00
parent 7f236edcdd
commit ee613ec6cd
5 changed files with 73 additions and 270 deletions

View File

@ -2,30 +2,20 @@
-- Pure SQL -- Pure SQL
------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE ir_actions (
-- IR dictionary id serial,
------------------------------------------------------------------------- primary key(id)
create table ir_values
id serial,
name varchar(128) not null,
key varchar(128) not null,
key2 varchar(256) not null,
model varchar(128) not null,
value text,
meta text default NULL,
res_id integer default null,
primary key (id)
); );
CREATE TABLE ir_act_window (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_report_xml (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_url (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_server (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_client (primary key(id)) INHERITS (ir_actions);
-- Modules Description
CREATE TABLE ir_model ( CREATE TABLE ir_model (
id serial, id serial,
model varchar DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, model varchar NOT NULL,
name varchar, name varchar,
state varchar, state varchar,
info text, info text,
@ -34,103 +24,27 @@ CREATE TABLE ir_model (
CREATE TABLE ir_model_fields ( CREATE TABLE ir_model_fields (
id serial, id serial,
model varchar DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, model varchar NOT NULL,
model_id int references ir_model on delete cascade, model_id integer references ir_model on delete cascade,
name varchar DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, name varchar NOT NULL,
relation varchar, relation varchar,
select_level varchar, select_level varchar,
field_description varchar, field_description varchar,
ttype varchar, ttype varchar,
state varchar default 'base', state varchar default 'base',
relate boolean default False,
relation_field varchar, relation_field varchar,
translate boolean default False, translate boolean default False,
serialization_field_id integer references ir_model_fields on delete cascade,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
ALTER TABLE ir_model_fields ADD column serialization_field_id int references ir_model_fields on delete cascade; CREATE TABLE res_lang (
id serial,
------------------------------------------------------------------------- code VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
-- Actions
CREATE TABLE ir_actions (
id serial NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL,
"type" varchar(32) NOT NULL,
usage varchar(32) DEFAULT null,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
CREATE TABLE ir_act_window (
view_id integer,
res_model varchar(64),
view_type varchar(16),
"domain" varchar(250),
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_report_xml (
model varchar(64) NOT NULL,
report_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
report_xsl varchar(256),
report_xml varchar(256),
auto boolean default true,
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
create table ir_act_report_custom (
report_id int,
-- report_id int references ir_report_custom
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_wizard (
wiz_name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_url (
url text NOT NULL,
target varchar(64) NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_server (
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_act_client (
primary key(id)
INHERITS (ir_actions);
CREATE TABLE ir_ui_menu (
id serial NOT NULL,
parent_id int references ir_ui_menu on delete set null,
name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL,
icon varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar,
primary key (id)
select setval('ir_ui_menu_id_seq', 2);
-- Res users
-- level:
CREATE TABLE res_users ( CREATE TABLE res_users (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
active boolean default True, active boolean default True,
@ -138,146 +52,44 @@ CREATE TABLE res_users (
password varchar(64) default null, password varchar(64) default null,
-- No FK references below, will be added later by ORM -- No FK references below, will be added later by ORM
-- (when the destination rows exist) -- (when the destination rows exist)
company_id int, company_id integer, -- references res_company,
partner_id int, partner_id integer, -- references res_partner,
primary key(id)
alter table res_users add constraint res_users_login_uniq unique (login);
CREATE TABLE res_groups (
id serial NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
CREATE TABLE res_groups_users_rel ( create table wkf (
uid integer NOT NULL references res_users on delete cascade,
gid integer NOT NULL references res_groups on delete cascade,
create index res_groups_users_rel_uid_idx on res_groups_users_rel (uid);
create index res_groups_users_rel_gid_idx on res_groups_users_rel (gid);
-- Workflows
create table wkf
id serial, id serial,
name varchar(64), name varchar(64),
osv varchar(64), osv varchar(64),
on_create bool default False, on_create bool default false,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
create table wkf_activity
id serial,
wkf_id int references wkf on delete cascade,
subflow_id int references wkf on delete set null,
split_mode varchar(3) default 'XOR',
join_mode varchar(3) default 'XOR',
kind varchar(16) not null default 'dummy',
name varchar(64),
signal_send varchar(32) default null,
flow_start boolean default False,
flow_stop boolean default False,
action text default null,
primary key(id)
create table wkf_transition
id serial,
act_from int references wkf_activity on delete cascade,
act_to int references wkf_activity on delete cascade,
condition varchar(128) default NULL,
trigger_type varchar(128) default NULL,
trigger_expr_id varchar(128) default NULL,
signal varchar(64) default null,
group_id int references res_groups on delete set null,
primary key(id)
create table wkf_instance
id serial,
wkf_id int references wkf on delete restrict,
uid int default null,
res_id int not null,
res_type varchar(64) not null,
state varchar(32) not null default 'active',
primary key(id)
create table wkf_workitem
id serial,
act_id int not null references wkf_activity on delete cascade,
inst_id int not null references wkf_instance on delete cascade,
subflow_id int references wkf_instance on delete cascade,
state varchar(64) default 'blocked',
primary key(id)
create table wkf_witm_trans
trans_id int not null references wkf_transition on delete cascade,
inst_id int not null references wkf_instance on delete cascade
create index wkf_witm_trans_inst_idx on wkf_witm_trans (inst_id);
create table wkf_logs
id serial,
res_type varchar(128) not null,
res_id int not null,
uid int references res_users on delete set null,
act_id int references wkf_activity on delete set null,
time time not null,
info varchar(128) default NULL,
primary key(id)
-- Modules
CREATE TABLE ir_module_category ( CREATE TABLE ir_module_category (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
create_date timestamp without time zone, create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, write_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
parent_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL, parent_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL,
name character varying(128) NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
CREATE TABLE ir_module_module ( CREATE TABLE ir_module_module (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
create_date timestamp without time zone, create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, write_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
website character varying(256), website character varying(256),
summary character varying(256), summary character varying(256),
name character varying(128) NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
author character varying(128), author character varying(128),
url character varying(128),
icon character varying(64), icon character varying(64),
state character varying(16), state character varying(16),
latest_version character varying(64), latest_version character varying(64),
shortdesc character varying(256), shortdesc character varying(256),
complexity character varying(32),
category_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL, category_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL,
description text, description text,
application boolean default False, application boolean default False,
@ -292,45 +104,15 @@ ALTER TABLE ir_module_module add constraint name_uniq unique (name);
CREATE TABLE ir_module_module_dependency ( CREATE TABLE ir_module_module_dependency (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
create_date timestamp without time zone, create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, write_uid integer, -- references res_users on delete set null,
name character varying(128), name character varying(128),
version_pattern character varying(128) default NULL,
module_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_module ON DELETE cascade, module_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_module ON DELETE cascade,
primary key(id) primary key(id)
); );
CREATE TABLE res_partner (
id serial NOT NULL,
name character varying(128),
lang varchar(64),
company_id int,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_currency (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
CREATE TABLE res_company (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
name character varying(128) not null,
parent_id integer references res_company on delete set null,
partner_id integer not null references res_partner,
currency_id integer not null references res_currency
CREATE TABLE res_lang (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
CREATE TABLE ir_model_data ( CREATE TABLE ir_model_data (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer, create_uid integer,
@ -343,7 +125,8 @@ CREATE TABLE ir_model_data (
date_update timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone,
module varchar NOT NULL, module varchar NOT NULL,
model varchar NOT NULL, model varchar NOT NULL,
res_id integer, primary key(id) res_id integer,
primary key(id)
); );
-- Records foreign keys and constraints installed by a module (so they can be -- Records foreign keys and constraints installed by a module (so they can be
@ -352,49 +135,64 @@ CREATE TABLE ir_model_data (
-- - for a constraint: type is 'u' (this is the convention PostgreSQL uses). -- - for a constraint: type is 'u' (this is the convention PostgreSQL uses).
CREATE TABLE ir_model_constraint ( CREATE TABLE ir_model_constraint (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer,
date_init timestamp without time zone, date_init timestamp without time zone,
date_update timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone,
module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict, module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict,
model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict, model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict,
type character varying(1) NOT NULL, type character varying(1) NOT NULL,
name varchar NOT NULL name varchar NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
); );
-- Records relation tables (i.e. implementing many2many) installed by a module -- Records relation tables (i.e. implementing many2many) installed by a module
-- (so they can be removed when the module is uninstalled). -- (so they can be removed when the module is uninstalled).
CREATE TABLE ir_model_relation ( CREATE TABLE ir_model_relation (
id serial NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL,
create_uid integer,
create_date timestamp without time zone,
write_date timestamp without time zone,
write_uid integer,
date_init timestamp without time zone, date_init timestamp without time zone,
date_update timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone,
module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict, module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict,
model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict, model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict,
name varchar NOT NULL name varchar NOT NULL,
primary key(id)
); );
--------------------------------- CREATE TABLE res_currency (
-- Users id serial,
--------------------------------- name varchar NOT NULL,
insert into res_users (id,login,password,active,company_id,partner_id) VALUES (1,'admin','admin',true,1,1); primary key(id)
insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) VALUES ('user_root','base','res.users',true,1); );
insert into res_partner (id, name, lang, company_id) VALUES (1, 'Your Company', 'en_US', 1); CREATE TABLE res_company (
insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) VALUES ('main_partner','base','res.partner',true,1); id serial,
name varchar NOT NULL,
partner_id integer,
currency_id integer,
primary key(id)
CREATE TABLE res_partner (
id serial,
name varchar,
company_id integer,
primary key(id)
-- Default data
insert into res_currency (id, name) VALUES (1, 'EUR'); insert into res_currency (id, name) VALUES (1, 'EUR');
insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) VALUES ('EUR','base','res.currency',true,1); insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('EUR', 'base', 'res.currency', true, 1);
select setval('res_currency_id_seq', 2);
insert into res_company (id, name, partner_id, currency_id) VALUES (1, 'Your Company', 1, 1); insert into res_company (id, name, partner_id, currency_id) VALUES (1, 'Your Company', 1, 1);
insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) VALUES ('main_company','base','res.company',true,1); insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('main_company', 'base', 'res.company', true, 1);
select setval('res_company_id_seq', 2); select setval('res_company_id_seq', 2);
select setval('res_users_id_seq', 2);
insert into res_partner (id, name, company_id) VALUES (1, 'Your Company', 1);
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('main_partner', 'base', 'res.partner', true, 1);
select setval('res_partner_id_seq', 2); select setval('res_partner_id_seq', 2);
select setval('res_currency_id_seq', 2);
insert into res_users (id, login, password, active, partner_id, company_id) VALUES (1, 'admin', 'admin', true, 1, 1);
insert into ir_model_data (name, module, model, noupdate, res_id) VALUES ('user_root', 'base', 'res.users', true, 1);
select setval('res_users_id_seq', 2);

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
</record> </record>
<record model="ir.ui.menu" id="menu_config_address_book"> <record model="ir.ui.menu" id="menu_config_address_book">
<field name="name">Address Book</field>
<field eval="[(6,0,[ref('group_system'), ref('group_partner_manager')])]" name="groups_id"/> <field eval="[(6,0,[ref('group_system'), ref('group_partner_manager')])]" name="groups_id"/>
</record> </record>
<record model="ir.ui.menu" id="menu_base_config"> <record model="ir.ui.menu" id="menu_base_config">
<field name="name">Configuration</field>
<field eval="[(6,0,[ref('group_system'), ref('group_partner_manager')])]" name="groups_id"/> <field eval="[(6,0,[ref('group_system'), ref('group_partner_manager')])]" name="groups_id"/>
</record> </record>

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
<!-- Set accesses to menu --> <!-- Set accesses to menu -->
<record model="ir.ui.menu" id="base.menu_administration"> <record model="ir.ui.menu" id="base.menu_administration">
<field name="name">Administration</field>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6,0, [ref('group_system'), ref('group_erp_manager')])]"/> <field name="groups_id" eval="[(6,0, [ref('group_system'), ref('group_erp_manager')])]"/>
</record> </record>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
############################################################################## ##############################################################################
# #
# OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications # OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications
# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 OpenERP S.A. (<http://openerp.com>). # Copyright (C) 2004-2014 OpenERP S.A. (<http://openerp.com>).
# #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
@ -131,10 +131,12 @@ class wkf_instance(osv.osv):
_rec_name = 'res_type' _rec_name = 'res_type'
_log_access = False _log_access = False
_columns = { _columns = {
'uid': fields.integer('User'), # FIXME no constraint??
'wkf_id': fields.many2one('workflow', 'Workflow', ondelete='cascade', select=True), 'wkf_id': fields.many2one('workflow', 'Workflow', ondelete='cascade', select=True),
'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID'), 'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID'),
'res_type': fields.char('Resource Object', size=64), 'res_type': fields.char('Resource Object', size=64),
'state': fields.char('Status', size=32), 'state': fields.char('Status', size=32),
'transition_ids': fields.many2many('workflow.transition', 'wkf_witm_trans', 'inst_id', 'trans_id'),
} }
def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None): def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None):
super(wkf_instance, self)._auto_init(cr, context) super(wkf_instance, self)._auto_init(cr, context)

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class WorkflowInstance(object):
assert isinstance(workflow_id, (int, long)) assert isinstance(workflow_id, (int, long))
cr = session.cr cr = session.cr
cr.execute('insert into wkf_instance (res_type,res_id,uid,wkf_id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (record.model, record.id, session.uid, workflow_id)) cr.execute('insert into wkf_instance (res_type,res_id,uid,wkf_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (record.model, record.id, session.uid, workflow_id, 'active'))
instance_id = cr.fetchone()[0] instance_id = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where flow_start=True and wkf_id=%s', (workflow_id,)) cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where flow_start=True and wkf_id=%s', (workflow_id,))