Odoo Translation Bot 0de99dd2c8 [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex 2015-12-06 02:56:34 +01:00
i18n [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex 2015-12-06 02:56:34 +01:00
security [IMP] Security Rule: removed duplicates due to inheritancies of groups 2011-12-12 19:11:13 +01:00
__init__.py merged with trunk 2010-12-30 15:28:09 +05:30
__openerp__.py [DEL] Cleaning: key 'images' removed from all __openerp__.py 2015-01-06 14:20:38 +01:00
multi_company_demo.xml [REF] OpenERP --> Odoo in various UI texts 2014-07-18 13:45:41 +02:00
res_company_view.xml [IMP] menuitems cleanups 2014-06-28 17:32:01 +02:00