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# makefile to set-up the environment for building...
# This is probably only working with GNU make. The file is structured
# to have variables in the beginning, some helper functions, then so
# implicit rules and in the end targets that invoke them all.
# If you need to change sysmocom release or poky base branch then the
# two variables need to be changed.
# If you add a machine then MACHINES need to be adjusted and a new config
# in cfg/NAME/10_NAME needs to be created.
# Implicit rules: I used WILDCARD-action for the rules and then get the
# name of the rule from $@ in the rule itself or % when still being in
# the dependency list.
# Make everything more verbose by V=1. Taken from kbuild
ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line")
Q =
Q = @
# Variables
2018-11-06 21:20:39 +00:00
REPOS=poky meta-telephony meta-qt5 meta-sysmocom-bsp meta-smalltalk
MACHINES=sysmobts sysmobts2100 sysmocom-apu2 sysmocom-alix oc2g
# The default targets to pick depending on machine
BUILD_TARGET_sysmobts = meta-toolchain-osmo task-sysmocom-feed sysmocom-core-image sysmocom-nitb-image sysmocom-voice-sip-image sysmocom-core-rauc-image sysmocom-nitb-rauc-image image-rauc-rescue-initramfs image-rauc-slot-initramfs image-rauc-ubi
BUILD_TARGET_sysmobts2100 = meta-toolchain-osmo task-sysmocom-feed sysmocom-core-image sysmocom-nitb-image
BUILD_TARGET_oc2g = meta-toolchain-osmo task-sysmocom-feed sysmocom-core-image sysmocom-nitb-image
BUILD_TARGET_sysmocom-apu2 = core-image-minimal-initramfs meta-toolchain-osmo task-sysmocom-feed sysmocom-core-image sysmocom-nitb-image core-image-minimal-initramfs
BUILD_TARGET_sysmocom-alix = core-image-minimal-initramfs meta-toolchain-osmo task-sysmocom-feed sysmocom-core-image sysmocom-nitb-image core-image-minimal-initramfs
# Pick the one depending on $@. Not sure if .SECONDEXPANSION is more
# approiate here or not.
2017-09-08 10:26:57 +00:00
@echo "Pick a target like help, update or sysmocom-alix-setup"
@echo "Set-up build environment and execute builds. This is intended"
@echo "for customers and employees."
@echo ""
@echo "Available targets:"
@echo " usage - Default target and print usage"
@echo " help - This output"
@echo " update - git pull --rebase and initial git clone"
@echo " setup-all - Set-up all build directories"
@echo " build-all - Build all targets"
@echo " clean-all - Clean all targets after build"
@echo " upload-all - Upload all targets"
@echo ' install-ssh-config - Install Host to $$HOME/.ssh/config'
@echo "Board specific targets:"
@$(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), \
printf " %-16s - Configure build directory\\n" $(machine)-setup;)
@$(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), \
printf " %-16s - Configure build directory\\n" $(machine)-build;)
@$(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), \
printf " %-16s - Configure build directory\\n" $(machine)-upload;)
@echo "Server targets:"
@echo " make-server-structure - Create directories for machine/release"
@echo "Available variables:"
@echo " V=1 - Enable verbose command output"
2017-09-08 10:26:57 +00:00
@echo " SYSMOCOM_RELEASE=name - Pick release branch during clone"
@echo " POKY_RELEASE=name - Pick release branch during clone"
@echo " GIT_BRANCH_* - Pick branch for a specific repository"
# Fetch/update all repos... Expand REPOS and append -update to the rule
# e.g. poky-update meta-telephony-update
update: $(foreach repo, $(REPOS), $(repo)-update)
# helper rules
# crazy as I don't know a split()[0]
CUR_MACHINE=$(subst build.,,$(subst -upload,,$(subst -clean,,$(subst -build,,$@))))
## Create a new directory
$(V)mkdir $@
## Clone repositories. The other option is by variable something like BRNACH_poky, REPO_poky
git/poky: | git
$(V)cd git && git clone --branch=$(GIT_BRANCH_POKY) --depth=1 poky
git/meta-sysmocom-bsp: | git
cd git && git clone --branch=$(GIT_BRANCH_SYSMOCOM_BSP)
git/meta-telephony: | git
cd git && git clone --branch=$(GIT_BRANCH_TELEPHONY)
git/meta-smalltalk: | git
cd git && git clone --branch=$(GIT_BRANCH_SMALLTALK)
git/meta-qt5: | git
cd git && git clone --branch=$(GIT_BRANCH_QT5)
## Create a build directory, e.g. build.sysmobts
## Use Poky to set-up the directory and then customize it. Copy files
## around and append to the local.conf and layers.conf
CFG_FILES = $(sort $(wildcard cfg/common/*)) $(sort $(wildcard cfg/$(CUR_MACHINE)/*))
build.%: | git/poky
@echo "Creating build directory for $(CUR_MACHINE)"
$(Q)/bin/bash -c "source git/poky/oe-init-build-env $@"
# Append entries to conf/local.conf. Common first, machine second... filter
$(Q)$(foreach file,$(CFG_FILES), \
cat $(file) | sed s,BASE_DIR,${CURDIR}, >> $@/conf/local.conf;)
@echo "require conf/distro/include/sysmocom-defaults.conf" >> $@/conf/local.conf
$(Q)cat cfg/bblayers.conf | sed s,BASE_DIR,${CURDIR}, > $@/conf/bblayers.conf
# generic git pull --rebase rule. Let's assume this is matching poky-update
# then the dependency will be "git/poky" and a clone rule will be built.
%-update: | git/$(subst -update,,%)
@echo "Updating $(subst -update,,$@) ..."
$(Q)cd git/$(subst -update,,$@) && git pull --rebase
# Setup a build directory
%-setup: | build.$(subst -setup,,%) git/poky
@echo "Please place proprietary firmware into the downloads directory."
# Start a build..
%-build: | build.$(subst -build,,%) git/poky
Makefile: run 'bitbake package-index' after bitbake command building packages It was recently spotted that during a build of 201705-testing where sysmocom-openvpn-config was being rebuilt, the Packages(.gz) files (opkg package indexes) were rebuilt before the new .ipk files for sysmocom-openvpn-config were written to disk. Also then the Packages file didn't contain a reference to the new sysmocom-openvpn-config package version. So, it seems there was a race condition where the package index was built too early. Yocto documentation provides some hints: """ Whenever you perform any sort of build step that can potentially generate a package or modify existing package, it is always a good idea to re-generate the package index after the build by using the following command: bitbake package-index Do not do "$ bitbake some-package package-index" as BitBake does not schedule the package index for after the completion of the package you are building. Consequently, you cannot be sure of the package index including information for the package you just built. Thus, be sure to run the package update step separately after building any packages. """ So far it seems we were relying on the "create filesystem" task triggered for image creation which would also trigger the package index recreation, according to """ The feed is normally indexed (createrepo) either when you manually run the package-index operation, or when you construct a filesystem. Until you do that, the feed directories are transient. """ Related: SYS#6023
2023-06-22 14:22:10 +00:00
$(Q)/bin/bash -c "source git/poky/oe-init-build-env build.$(CUR_MACHINE) && bitbake $(BUILD_TARGETS) && bitbake package-index"
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
%-upload: | build.$(subst -upload,,%) git/poky
$(Q)cd build.$(CUR_MACHINE) && ../scripts/ $(CUR_MACHINE) $(FEED_NAME)
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
%-clean: | build.$(subst -clean,,%) git/poky
$(Q)cd build.$(CUR_MACHINE) && ../git/poky/scripts/ --cache-dir=sstate-cache -y -L --stamps-dir=tmp/stamps/
$(Q)cd build.$(CUR_MACHINE) && rm -rf tmp
# Create all build directories, build everything, upload everything, clean everything
setup-all: | $(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), $(machine)-setup)
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
build-all: | $(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), $(machine)-build)
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
upload-all: | $(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), $(machine)-upload)
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
clean-all: | $(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), $(machine)-clean)
ifndef WEB_FILES
$(error "Please call with make make-server-structure WEB_FILES=...")
$(Q)$(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), \
mkdir $(WEB_FILES)/$(machine); \
mkdir $(WEB_FILES)/$(machine)/$(SYSMOCOM_RELEASE); \
mkdir $(WEB_FILES)/$(machine)/$(SYSMOCOM_RELEASE)-testing; \
mkdir $(WEB_FILES)/$(machine)/$(SYSMOCOM_RELEASE)-nightly; \
2017-08-03 14:30:34 +00:00
install-ssh-config: | $(HOME)/.ssh
ifndef SSH_HOST
$(error "Please call with make $@ SSH_HOST=xyz...")
ifndef SSH_PORT
$(error "Please call with make $@ SSH_PORT=abc...")
ifndef SSH_USER
$(error "Please call with make $@ SSH_USER=def...")
@echo "Host = sysmocom-downloads" >> $(HOME)/.ssh/config
@echo " HostName = $(SSH_HOST)" >> $(HOME)/.ssh/config
@echo " Port = $(SSH_PORT)" >> $(HOME)/.ssh/config
@echo " AddressFamily = inet" >> $(HOME)/.ssh/config
@echo " User = $(SSH_USER)" >> $(HOME)/.ssh/config
# Target classification
.PHONY: update setup-all install-ssh-config
.SECONDARY: $(foreach repo, $(REPOS), git/$(repo)) $(foreach machine, $(MACHINES), build.$(machine))