
16 KiB

title head_inline
Installing 5G Core from Sources <style> .blue { color: blue; } </style>

This post explains how to compile and install the source code on Debian/Ubuntu based Linux Distribution. {: .blue}

Getting MongoDB

Install MongoDB with package manager. It is used as database for the UDR.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mongodb
$ sudo systemctl start mongodb (if '/usr/bin/mongod' is not running)
$ sudo systemctl enable mongodb (ensure to automatically start it on system boot)

Setting up TUN device (not persistent after rebooting)

Create the TUN device with the interface name ogstun.

$ sudo ip tuntap add name ogstun mode tun
$ sudo ip addr add dev ogstun
$ sudo ip addr add cafe::1/64 dev ogstun
$ sudo ip link set ogstun up

Tip: The script provided in [$GIT_REPO/misc/]({{ site.github_username }}/open5gs/blob/master/misc/ makes it easy to configure the TUN device as follows:
$ sudo ./misc/ {: .notice--info}

Building Open5GS

Install the dependencies for building the source code.

$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel ninja-build build-essential flex bison git libsctp-dev libgnutls28-dev libgcrypt-dev libssl-dev libidn11-dev libmongoc-dev libbson-dev libyaml-dev libmicrohttpd-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev meson

Git clone.

$ git clone{{ site.github_username }}/open5gs

To compile with meson:

$ cd open5gs
$ meson build --prefix=`pwd`/install
$ ninja -C build

Check whether the compilation is correct in your environment.

$ cd build
$ ./tests/registration/registration

Tip: You can also check the result of ./test/registration/registration with a tool that captures packets. If you are running wireshark, select the any interface and set FILTER to ngap || http || pfcp || gtp. {: .notice--info}

You need to perform the installation process.

$ cd build
$ ninja install
$ cd ../

Configure Open5GS

Modify [install/etc/open5gs/amf.yaml]({{ site.github_username }}/open5gs/blob/master/configs/open5gs/ to set the NGAP IP address, PLMN ID, TAC and NSSAI.

In the below example we

  • use MCC-MNC of 901-70, as this is the home network of the default IMSIs of the sysmoUSIM-SJS1 cards.
  • use for the NGAP connection of AMF to the gNB
diff -u amf.yaml.old amf.yaml
--- amf.yaml.old	2020-06-21 23:34:14.643114779 -0400
+++ amf.yaml	2020-06-21 23:34:28.718482095 -0400
@@ -67,25 +67,25 @@
       - addr:
         port: 7777
+      - addr:
       - plmn_id:
-          mcc: 001
-          mnc: 01
+          mcc: 901
+          mnc: 70
           region: 2
           set: 1
       - plmn_id:
-          mcc: 001
-          mnc: 01
-        tac: 1
+          mcc: 901
+          mnc: 70
+        tac: 7
       - plmn_id:
-          mcc: 001
-          mnc: 01
+          mcc: 901
+          mnc: 70
           - sst: 1
-          - sd: 2
         integrity_order : [ NIA1, NIA2, NIA0 ]
         ciphering_order : [ NEA0, NEA1, NEA2 ]

Modify [install/etc/open5gs/upf.yaml]({{ site.github_username }}/open5gs/blob/master/configs/open5gs/ to set the GTP-U IP address.

diff -u upf.yaml.old upf.yaml
--- upf.yaml.old	2020-06-21 23:35:54.378631781 -0400
+++ upf.yaml	2020-06-21 23:36:02.978245251 -0400
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
       - addr:
+      - addr:

If you modify the config files while Open5GS daemons are running, please restart them

Running Open5GS

Specify the absolute path to the sharead library as follows.

$ echo $(cd $(dirname ./install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/) && pwd -P)/$(basename ./install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/)
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
$ ldd ./install/bin/open5gs-amfd
... => /home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f161ab51000) => /home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f161a922000) => /home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f161a71d000) => /home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f161a519000)

If you want to set the shared library path permanently, you can use ldconfig.

$ sudo sh -c "echo /home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu > /etc/"
$ sudo ldconfig

Now let's get started.

$ cd install/bin/
$ ./install/bin/open5gs-nrfd 
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:37:46.749: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/nrf.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:37:46.749: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/nrf.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:37:46.749: [app] INFO: NRF initialize...done (../src/nrf/app.c:31)
06/21 23:37:46.749: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:37:46.749: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() [::1]:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-amfd 
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:38:15.834: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/amf.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:38:15.834: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/amf.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:38:15.876: [app] INFO: AMF initialize...done (../src/amf/app.c:33)
06/21 23:38:15.876: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() []:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:56)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() []:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:56)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() []:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:56)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() [2601:144:4100:a220:ee:f149:8f28:9572]:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:56)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: ngap_server() [2601:144:4100:a220:c643:4b3a:b0ee:c446]:38412 (../src/amf/ngap-sctp.c:56)
06/21 23:38:15.877: [amf] INFO: [ce785804-b439-41ea-9c93-399fce5a75a5] NF registered (../src/amf/nf-sm.c:209)

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-smfd
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:38:35.313: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/smf.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:38:35.313: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/smf.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() []:2123 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() [::1]:2123 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [app] INFO: SMF initialize...done (../src/smf/app.c:31)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [pfcp] INFO: pfcp_server() []:8805 (../lib/pfcp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [pfcp] INFO: pfcp_server() [::1]:8805 (../lib/pfcp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:35.350: [pfcp] INFO: ogs_pfcp_connect() []:8805 (../lib/pfcp/path.c:60)
06/21 23:38:35.351: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:38:35.352: [smf] INFO: [da15f3e2-b439-41ea-bd58-c3fe61467c94] NF registered (../src/smf/nf-sm.c:210)

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-upfd 
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:38:52.832: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/upf.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:38:52.832: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/upf.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:38:52.844: [app] INFO: UPF initialize...done (../src/upf/app.c:31)
06/21 23:38:52.844: [pfcp] INFO: pfcp_server() []:8805 (../lib/pfcp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.844: [pfcp] INFO: ogs_pfcp_connect() []:8805 (../lib/pfcp/path.c:60)
06/21 23:38:52.846: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.846: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.846: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() []:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.846: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() [2601:144:4100:a220:ee:f149:8f28:9572]:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.846: [gtp] INFO: gtp_server() [2601:144:4100:a220:c643:4b3a:b0ee:c446]:2152 (../lib/gtp/path.c:32)
06/21 23:38:52.848: [upf] INFO: PFCP associated (../src/upf/pfcp-sm.c:171)
06/21 23:38:53.358: [upf] WARNING: PFCP[REQ] has already been associated (../src/upf/pfcp-sm.c:201)

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-ausfd 
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:39:11.641: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/ausf.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:39:11.641: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/ausf.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:39:11.641: [app] INFO: AUSF initialize...done (../src/ausf/app.c:31)
06/21 23:39:11.642: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:39:11.643: [ausf] INFO: [efbbbe5c-b439-41ea-b95c-039d7a609671] NF registered (../src/ausf/nf-sm.c:209)

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-udmd
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:39:28.792: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/udm.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:39:28.792: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/udm.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:39:28.792: [app] INFO: UDM initialize...done (../src/udm/app.c:31)
06/21 23:39:28.793: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:39:29.390: [udm] INFO: [f9f4ce22-b439-41ea-bf29-c309f36c787f] NF registered (../src/udm/nf-sm.c:209)

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-udrd
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:39:41.763: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/etc/open5gs/udr.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:39:41.763: [app] INFO: File Logging: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/install/var/log/open5gs/udr.log' (../src/main.c:57)
06/21 23:39:41.765: [dbi] INFO: MongoDB URI: 'mongodb://localhost/open5gs' (../lib/dbi/ogs-mongoc.c:99)
06/21 23:39:41.765: [app] INFO: UDR initialize...done (../src/udr/app.c:31)
06/21 23:39:41.765: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:39:41.767: [udr] INFO: [01b0191e-b43a-41ea-9abb-df3b42196e0a] NF registered (../src/udr/nf-sm.c:209)

Several command line options are provided.

$ ./install/bin/open5gs-amfd -h
Usage: ./install/bin/open5gs-amfd [options]
   -c filename    : set configuration file
   -l filename    : set logging file
   -e level       : set global log-level (default:info)
   -m domain      : set log-domain (e.g. mme:sgw:gtp)
   -d             : print lots of debugging information
   -t             : print tracing information for developer
   -D             : start as a daemon
   -v             : show version number and exit
   -h             : show this message and exit

You can also copy the binaries to /usr/bin to be able to run them from anywhere on the system.

$ cp open5gs* /usr/bin/

For convenience, you can execute all NFs at once by using the following command.

$ cd build
$ vi configs/5gc.yaml ## check the configuration
$ ./test/app/5gc ## run all NFs

Building the WebUI of Open5GS

Node.js is required to build WebUI of Open5GS

$ sudo apt install curl
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt install nodejs

Install the dependencies to run WebUI

$ cd webui
$ npm install

The WebUI runs as an npm script.

$ npm run dev

Register Subscriber Information

Connect to http://localhost:3000 and login with admin account.

Username : admin
Password : 1423

Note: You can change the password in Account Menu. {: .notice--info}

To add subscriber information, you can do WebUI operations in the following order:

  1. Go to Subscriber Menu.
  2. Click + Button to add a new subscriber.
  3. Fill the IMSI, security context(K, OPc, AMF), and APN of the subscriber.
  4. Click SAVE Button

Tip: This addition immediately affects Open5GS without restarting any daemon. {: .notice--warning}

IP routing + NAT for UE internet connectivity

To allow your phones to connect to the internet, you must run the following command on the host running Open5GS-PGW:

### Check IP Table 'forward'
$ sudo iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

### Check IP Table 'nat'
$ sudo iptables -L -t nat
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

target     prot opt source               destination

### Enable IPv4 Forwarding
$ sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

### Add NAT Rule
$ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -o ogstun -j MASQUERADE

Note: The above assumes you do not have any existing rules in the filter and nat tables. If a program such as docker has already set up rules, you may need to add the Open5GS related rules differently. {: .notice--danger}

Turn on your gNB and Phone

  • You can view the log at $INSTALL_PREFIX/var/log/open5gs/*.log.


If you run into any problems, please post the github issue. Providing packets using wireshark can help a lot. {: .blue}

To fix the problem yourself, debugging tools can help you troubleshoot problems.

  • GDB can be used as below:

    $ gdb ./open5gs-amfd
  • On Mac OS X, you can use the LLDB.

    $ lldb ./open5gs-amfd

You can use the command line option[-d] to record more logs.

$ ./test/app/5gc -d
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:44:54.500: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/build/configs/5gc.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:44:54.500: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d018] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
06/21 23:44:54.500: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d018] thread started (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:101)
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:44:54.508: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/build/configs/5gc.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:44:54.508: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f31d3620818] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
06/21 23:44:54.508: [nrf] DEBUG: nrf_state_initial(): INIT (../src/nrf/nrf-sm.c:25)
06/21 23:44:54.508: [nrf] DEBUG: nrf_state_operational(): ENTRY (../src/nrf/nrf-sm.c:50)
06/21 23:44:54.508: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f31d3620818] thread started (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:101)
06/21 23:44:54.508: [app] INFO: NRF initialize...done (../src/nrf/app.c:31)
06/21 23:44:54.509: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() []:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:44:54.509: [sbi] INFO: sbi_server() [::1]:7777 (../lib/sbi/server.c:291)
06/21 23:44:54.551: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d098] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
06/21 23:44:54.551: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d098] thread started (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:101)
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:44:54.575: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/build/configs/5gc.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:44:54.601: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d118] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
06/21 23:44:54.601: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f3342a7d118] thread started (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:101)
Open5GS daemon v1.3.0

06/21 23:44:54.607: [app] INFO: Configuration: '/home/acetcom/Documents/git/open5gs/build/configs/5gc.yaml' (../src/main.c:54)
06/21 23:44:54.608: [thread] DEBUG: [0x7f996e1b2918] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
06/21 23:44:54.608: [ausf] DEBUG: ausf_state_initial(): INIT (../src/ausf/ausf-sm.c:25)